Tim Sumner

Quinnipiac poll: New York voters oppose Ground Zero mosque

From June 21 – 28, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,183 New York City registered voters over the proposal to build a Cordoba House “Muslim mosque and cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero” They were asked, “Do you support or oppose this proposal?” The Quinnipiac University Poll found:

New York City voters oppose 52 – 31 percent … Opposition to the mosque is 56 – 31 percent among white voters, 45 – 34 percent among black voters and 60 – 19 percent among Hispanic voters. Opposition among religious groups is 66 – 22 percent among Jews, 66 – 24 percent among white Catholics and 46 – 36 percent among white Protestants.

“New York enjoys a reputation as one of the most tolerant places in America, but New Yorkers are opposed to a proposal to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. Is it because we’re still nursing the wounds from the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center or is it more like bigotry?” asks Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Abraham Maslow found that the ultimate manifestation of discrimination is genocide.

With due respect to Mr. Carroll, real world experience does not make for ignorant prejudice; a more accurate example of prejudice is what the followers of shariah law felt when they slaughtered 2,976 people on 9/11.

Muslims yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ at breach of peace arrest of Christians at Dearborn Arab fest

Police Chief Ron Haddad has obviously imposed sharia law in Dearborn, Michigan. What else explains why Nabeel Qureshi was arrested for merely speaking with Muslims at an Arab festival there, along with three other Christians whose only “crime” was filming? As Qureshi puts it, he was arrested for, “preaching the Gospel to people who had approached me and asked me to share my message with them.” (Islam’s sharia law prohibits proselytizing to Muslims.) Festival attendees cheered and several yelled “Allahu Akbar” as the four were led away in handcuffs. Unsurprisingly, Chief Haddad has been appointed by President Barack Obama to the Department of Homeland Security’s advisory board; there is no word of when Haddad and Obama will apologize to the ‘Muslim world’ for offending the faithful.

Freedom Radio spoke with one of the four arrested, David Wood of AnsweringMuslims.com, last night. He explained that “they were waiting for us” after he and his group were “roughed up” at last year’s festival. We also asked David about his earlier video commentary [Ed. — 1,740,000 views to date] on the planned Cordoba House mosque at Ground Zero:

The Thomas More Law Center has agreed to defend the four; their first court appearance is schedule for July 12. TMLC President Richard Thompson stated:

“These Christian missionaries were exercising their Constitutional rights to free speech and the free exercise of religion, but apparently the Constitution carries little weight in Dearborn, where the Muslim population seems to dominate the political apparatus. It’s apparent that these arrests were a retaliatory action over the embarrassing video of the strong arm tactics used last year by Festival Security Guards. This time, the first thing police officers did before making the arrests was to confiscate the video cameras in order to prevent a recording of what was actually happening. … Contrary to the comments made by Police Chief Ron Haddad, our Constitution does not allow police to ban the right of free speech just because there are some hecklers. Not all police officers approve of the way their department treated these Christians.”

You can learn more about the case or contribute to their legal defense by clicking here.