Tim Sumner

9/11 families and friends protest Ground Zero mosque; the Muslim Brotherhood protests the intolerance

CBN has a report and video of yesterday’s protest against building a ‘Cordoba House’ within sight and sound of Ground Zero at the World Trade Center:

Before the protest, I walked the short distance north of World Trade Center 7 to the former Burlington Coat Factory where Friday prayers are now held and the Cordoba House Islamic “cultural center” and “fun center” would be built. It struck me that the two buildings directly south of 43-45 Park Place are both 13-stories and remembered that on May 17, Debra Burlingame and Tim Brown met with the owners:

“Mr. El-Gamal showed … architectural renderings in which a mosque, located on the top floor of the 15-story building, would have a commanding view of the entire Ground Zero neighborhood.”

Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf advocates that America formally supplement our Constitution by beginning to allow some legal matters involving only willing Muslims (for now) be adjudicated using sharia law. In Islamic governed nations, sharia law is dictated by the Koran and outlaws proselytizing by all other religions, imposes a discriminatory tax upon all non-believers, denies all women equal protection under law, and punishes being gay by imprisonment or death.

Today I note that the official web site of the Muslim Brotherhood (ikhwanweb.com) has posted, using the tag ‘Islamophobia’, about yesterday’s protest at Church and Liberty Streets in lower Manhattan. I will not directly link to the article because: 1) the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists and the organization fathered al Qaeda, 2) directly to the right of the article they have an image of a dead baby with what appears to be large bullet hole through its upper abdomen, and 3) while they depict Israeli commandos last week storming the flotilla and gunning down people on the boat, they do not show the video of masked terrorists attacking the commandos with metal rods, knives, and their fists and feet. Yet here is an except from the Muslim Brotherhood’s post:

Organizers alleged that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who was behind the mosque construction was not the man of peace he claimed to be. They questioned the funding of the mosque stressing their anger at the decision describing it as an insult to have it constructed close to their loved ones graves who dies during the twin tower attacks. Many of the protestors [sic] included Russian Jews, Arab Christians and Indians who stressed their love for the so-called American freedom [emphasis added mine]. Mosque supporters however hope the construction of the Mosque may bring something good out of 9-11 and restore tolerance for Islam.

Iman Feisel Abdul Rauf heads the Cordoba Initiative that seeks to build the Cordoba House. His late father was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and built the Islamic Center of New York at 96th Street and Y with millions of dollars of contributions from 43 foreign nations. (The complex now includes two adjacent apartment buildings that are exclusively occupied by Muslims.) The New York Post discovered that while Imam Rauf said all the money for the Cordoba House would be raised in America, he told an Arab speaking newspaper in England it would also come from “Arab and Islamic countries.”

There are currently 2,300 mosques in America. Muslims freely practice their religion here yet most of them were built with monies from Wahabbists in the Middle East who dictate the teachngs within the mosques.

Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf is a prominent associate of the largest financial backer of the terrorists who last week conducted a suicide ambush upon Israeli commandos. In other words, Imam Rauf supports terrorists masquerading as peace activists abroad and advocates for discriminatory sharia law here. Then he and his Muslim Brotherhood supporters have the unmitigated nerve to claim Rauf is the victim of intolerance when 9/11 family members and freedom-loving people protest a sharia-compliant Cordoba House being built within the kill zone of where sharia-compliant al Qaeda terrorists slaughtered 2,976 people.

Anna Allison AA 11

Ground Zero mosque imam tied to deadly pro-Palestinian sea clash

The New York Post reports:

The imam behind a proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea this week. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its Website. Perdana is the single biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel’s blockade of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip Monday.

Nine passengers aboard the largest ship died in clashes with Israeli commandos, and a new confrontation loomed today, when another Free Gaza Movement ship was due to reach Gaza waters in defiance of Israel.

Efforts to reach Imam Abdul Rauf yesterday for comment were unsuccessful.

Debra Burlingame, the sister of the American Airlines pilot whose hijacked plane struck the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, said the indirect ties of the imam to the protesters who confronted Israeli forces Monday were not surprising. “I think it goes to show he is not the man he represents himself to be. We have two Imam Raufs,” she said. “We have the anti-Israel, anti-democratic imam, and we have the smiling, soft-spoken moderate Muslim who says ‘Why can’t we all get along?'”

Screen shot of Perdana Global Peace Organization web site page for Rauf:

Click image to enlarge

Stop Islamization of America is conducting a rally noon to 3 PM, Sunday, June 6, 2010, at the corner of Church and Liberty Street in lower Manhattan to protest the sharia-compliant mosque, “fun center,” and “party space,” aka Cordoba House, being built within Ground Zero’s kill zone.