Tim Sumner

Ground Zero imam tied to ‘un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial’

The New York Daily News reports that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended his aide’s response to former governor Sarah Palin weighing in on the proposed Ground Zero mosque:

Andrea Batista Schlesinger, a former head of the left-leaning Drum Major Institute who is now a policy aide to Bloomberg, fired back on her Twitter page. “Mind your business,” Schlesinger wrote, followed a moment later with, “Whose hearts? Racist hearts?” She later deleted the tweets, saying she regretted her “curt response,” but stuck up for the proposed Islamic cultural center — just like her boss. Bloomberg said he didn’t agree with Batista Schlesinger that Palin was baiting racists, “But I certainly agree that freedom of speech is just as important as freedom of religion,” he added.

When Mayor Bloomberg is right, he’s right.

Last night, on Fox 5 TV in New York City, retired FDNY firefighter and 9/11 survivor Tim Brown of theBravest.com and 64th District Leader Paul Newell discussed the Cordoba House * mosque:

In case you did not fully catch Paul Newell’s filibuster, he asked, “You are calling Imam Rauf a Muslim terrorist?”

Tim Brown replied, “I did not.”

Mr. Brown added:

“Today, we tied Imam Rauf to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Society of North America … the ISNA is an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial.”

Yet instead of taking Mayor Bloomberg’s sage advice to allow freedom of speech, Mr. Newell tried to drown Mr. Brown out with Islamophobe-baiting. You would think Mr. Newell would be at least curious about how Rauf is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and the ISNA.

Are you curious?

If so, stay tuned for the answer.


* Note — While it has been announced the proposed Cordoba House mosque and Islamic Cultural Center has changed its name to ’51 Park Place’, they have yet to figure out what to rename the 7-year old Cordoba Initiative.

Obama and State Dept helping Imam Rauf build sharia mosque at Ground Zero

Cordoba Initiative Imam Fesiel Abdul Rauf was not at Tuesday’s Landmark Commission hearing over the plan to tear down an 152-year old historical building and replace it with a mosque overlooking Ground Zero. Perhaps President Barack Obama had the State Department send Imam Rauf off again as an envoy to the Muslim world, as IslamOnline reports:

CAIRO – Sitting firmly in his seat with a determined look in his eyes, American Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf appears resolved to bridge the gap between the West and the Muslim world. “My purpose is to spread harmony and peace between the West and the Muslim world,” Imam Abdul-Rauf, chairman of the Cordoba Initiative, told IslamOnline.net in an exclusive interview. “My role is to see how can my work help improve this relationship.”

Imam Abdul-Rauf is currently on a State Department-sponsored tour to build bridges. “This is part of it as the work is huge and can’t be done by one person or one organization,” he said. “It is also to share people like yourself the work that we do. We need people in the media and we need people to talk to understand what we do.” He defended the US government’s support for his organization.

Is it ‘separation of church and state’ to send a sharia-compliant imam to build bridges to the Muslim world while filling his coffers to build a Cordoba House overlooking Ground Zero?

Former New York Governor George Pataki was asked this morning if this is a freedom-of-faith issue on Fox News:

Bill Hemmer: “Our Mayor says the government should keep out of religion. Is this the right example?”

Governor Pataki: “Yes. Government should keep out of religion but religion should not engage in [supporting] terrorist activity.”

All religions should be kept out of government.

Yet the Muslim Brotherhood has secretly worked here for five decades to destroy America from within. They advocate sharia law which, in Islamic countries: stones to death 14-year old girls and old women for “adultery;” flogs un-married couples found together un-chaperoned; excuses gangs that rape “immodest” women; tortures gays and hangs them from light poles; dismembers apostates; cuts the heads off those who speak against the Koran’s war-mongering and discriminatory passages; and levies a ‘devalue-added’ tax against all non-Muslims. They want religious freedom eliminated from this good earth in the name of Allah and America is their prime target.

Islam should not lord over where sharia-complying Muslims committed genocide and brave American heroes fell.

When Imam Rauf denounces da’wah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, political Islam, sharia, and 1400-year old hate-speech, I’ll bring my shovel and help break ground for his Cordoba House. Barring that, Rauf should stick his House of Da’wah in an Islamic-governed nation, but not anywhere in America where the light of liberty still shines.