Liz Cheney slams prosecuting 9/11 conspirators in federal court

Wednesday, November 18, at 9:30 a.m., Attorney General Eric Holder will testify in a public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in room G-50 of Dirksen Senate Office building. Please join 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, firefighters of and Keep America Safe in Washington, D.C. to tell Eric Holder and members of Congress, “We will fight you all the way!”

With 200,000 American troops in combat zones, the administration plans to place process above their safety and our national security by trying enemy war criminals in federal court. They would provide Khalid Sheihk Mohammed a large stage — just six blocks from Ground Zero — from which to incite violent jihad and recruit to Islamic extremism.

Military Commissions would safeguard national security and provide for a fair trial. Less than a month ago, President Obama signed into law improvements to the Act worked out between the White House and Senators Carl Levin, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain. Since September 11, the Supreme Court has confirmed that military tribunals are Constitutional. And last Friday, Attorney General Holder announced Military Commissions will be used to try five others.

President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have forgotten that their chief duty is the safety and the security of the American people. It is time to remind them and tomorrow, in Washington, is the place.


Note: 100,000 people have co-signed our letter to President Obama. (You can still add your name.) is partners with and in this effort.

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