Islamic terrorists

FBI secretly reading detainees their ‘rights’ in Afghanistan (Obama is ‘lawyer for terrorists’)

DOJ Confirms FBI is Reading Miranda Rights to Detainees in Afghanistan
Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd confirms Steve Hayes’s report that the FBI is reading Miranda rights to terrorist suspects in Afghanistan:

“There has been no policy change and nor blanket instruction issued for FBI agents to Mirandize detainees overseas. While there have been specific cases in which FBI agents have Mirandized suspects overseas, at both Bagram and in other situations, in order to preserve the quality of evidence obtained, there has been no overall policy change with respect to detainees.”

Posted by John McCormack (The Weekly Standard with links to a related post by Stephen Hayes, June 10, 2009)

Last night, Mark Levin ripped into the decision to read terrorists their “rights,” starting here:

Then Mark spoke with Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) about how he discovered this while on the ground at our detention facilities in Bagram, Afghanistan:

He also spoke with 9/11 family member Debra Burlingame:

Last September, Sarah Palin said:

“Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America and [Obama is] worried that someone won’t read them their rights.”

Now, play the video above (slide it to start at 1:48) to hear candidate Obama respond on September 8, 2008 (hat tip to John McCormack at The Weekly Standard).

“Don’t mock the Constitution?” Nowhere within it or the Amendments does it say “These rights will be extended to all foreigners, including America’s enemies.” In addition, the Geneva Conventions only state that captured lawful combatants must be allowed to remain silent (they need only provide their name, rank, and place of birth). The Conventions deliberately left unlawful combatants unprotected to discourage them from hiding among and endangering civilians.

It is President Barack Obama who mocks our Constitution by extending rights to Islamic terrorists — without the consent of the governed here in America and contrary to the Constitution. He is making the battlefield more hazardous for our troops and us less safe here at home.


Related: Andy McCarthy and Mark Levin discuss ‘Miranda rights‘ of Islamic terrorists

‘The Third Jihad’ premieres today; CAIR and other American-based terrorist front groups decline invite

‘The Third Jihad’ premieres today in Washington and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has declined an invitation to attend and debate its contents. It is obvious to me that they declined because the movie is about them and a long list of terrorist front groups working here, in America, to overthrow our government by sedition, to replace our Constitution with sharia law.

If you care at all about your children, watch the trailer. Then get a copy and show it to everyone you know. Our freedom of speech is being used against us as a weapon; use it to fight back or surrender liberty to barbarians.

For Immediate Release
Clarion Unveils New Film About the Threat of Radical Islam in America at National Press Club

CAIR Declines Invite to Discussion with Devout Muslim Film Narrator, Who is Expected to Speak Out Against Radical Islam at The Third Jihad Premiere