After Mark Levin spoke with Congressman Rogers about his discovery that President Barack Obama had secretly ordered the FBI to Afghanistan to interview captured detainees, to include reading them their “Miranda rights,” he spoke with former U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy. From his experience while prosecuting those that bombed our embassies in Africa, McCarthy provided a clear example of what happens when you extend Constitutional rights to terrorists:
1SG Tommy Scott, Afghanistan, Barack Obama, CPT Roger Hill, Freedom Radio, Haditha, Iraq, Lawfare, Military Commissions, War on Terror
Unfriendly Fire; let’s end America’s lawfare against our troops
by Tim Sumner •
Last night on Freedom Radio, retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel Robert Weimann talked about his open letter to Secretary of the Army Pete Geren. Within it, ‘Capt Roger Hill Case: Mister Secretary, it’s time to end the double standard,’ LTC Weimann demonstrates that political considerations have endangered the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and resulted in more than a few unjust prosecutions of our troops.
Battlefield evidentiary requirements will be addressed within a revamp of the Military Commission Act (that was nearly hidden within Friday’s White House announcement). With due respect to President Obama, those few select Members of Congress with whom he is negotiating, and the lawyers involved, if the Rule of Law overrides the Laws of War, that revamp will be reckless legislation.
This is America’s war and America’s sons and daughters are the ones fighting it. If the vast experience of front line troops is not sought and considered — especially from those who have fought this war at the company level — during the revamp of the MCA, a countless number of our troops will die and their missions will fail as a result.
Related: With 2 dead and 30 wounded, D Company became ‘More Than Brothers’