
Port Authority blocking WTC memorial with ‘unnecessarily gigantic’ train station

A fully operating Path train station is to the right in this photo, behind the cement walls beyond the crane. Photo taken of Ground Zero on September 11, 2008

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has a problem. It cannot figure out how to build an unnecessary Path train station without delaying by years the building of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center. Within that problem, the Port Authority has another, as an editorial in today’s New York Daily News reveals:

The high-powered committee guiding the redevelopment of Ground Zero will decide Thursday whether to hold the Port Authority to its highest obligation: finishing the permanent 9/11 memorial by the 10th anniversary of the terror attack. And not a day later.

The panel will meet for one of the final times before the PA releases a revamped plan for finishing the project — with commitments on completion dates and price tags.

At the top of the agenda must be a rock-solid determination to meet the 9/11/11 deadline.

9/11 Memorial to be dedicated this September 11

Pentagon Memorial to be dedicated - CLICK ON IMAGE

The 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon will be dedicated on September 11, 2008, with family members in attendance.

On the entry stone (south facing side) will be this inscription:

We claim this ground in remembrance of the events of September 11, 2001 to honor the 184 people whose lives were lost, their families, and all who sacrifice that we may live in freedom. We will never forget.

The Pentagon Memorial will be open to the public on Thursday, September 11 at 7:00 p.m. Click on the image for details.