Immigration Bill Dead, for Now

During this Senate immigration battle, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) proved one man with courage does make a majority. Two weeks, two years, and two centuries from now, Andrew Jackson’s words will remain true. Yet a Daily KOS kid gloats: wait two years and the Democratic Party will create an even bigger immigration disaster:

Keeping true to his vow to shelve the bill if it didn’t pass cloture tonight, Reid has pulled it for now, though he left open the door for action sometime this session. I don’t think he should be in any rush to bring it back up.

While it’s been fun to watch the GOP fall all over themselves in utter paroxysms over this bill (in particular, see Lindsay Graham lose it over a very innocuous amendment offered by Obama last night), it’s probably good news that it’s over. A much better bill can be crafted two years from now, when we’ll likely have a more reasonable Congress and President to deal with.

See Filibuster spoils ‘bargain’