Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act of 2007

So Much for the 9/11 Commission Report’s.

Michael Cutler writes:

Once again we see politicians make artful use of language to create an illusion that the program they are desperate to implement would have real integrity. An example of this is former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Senator John McCain making a point to refer to the fact that the identity documents issued by USCIS to these millions of undocumented aliens, whose true identities are unknown and unknowable, would be “Tamper-Proof.” Incredibly they link this to the attacks of September 11, 2001 and claim that this would meet the requirements of the 9/11 Commissions findings and recommendations. All I can say is that I was born on a Wednesday, but not last Wednesday!

“… The bigger issue, however, is not whether the documents issued could be altered, but rather that there would be no reliable way to know what information to put on those cards in the first place! Simply conducting a “Security Check” on the names that the aliens write on their applications is nearly worthless. Running a fictitious name through a computer database would yield no benefit for national security inasmuch as terrorists and criminals who were careful enough to avoid having any scrapes with law enforcement authorities in our country would not have their fingerprints in our databases. If they then provided a false name on their applications, they would be given a “clean bill of health” and issued one of these “tamper-proof” identity documents that they could then use as breeder documents to obtain an entire suite of official identity documents in a false name. This would include driver’s licenses, Social Security Cards, library cards, credit cards and bank accounts. And off we go to another 9/11!

If you think I am wrong, consider that when we make purchases at a department store, even if we are using our own credit cards, we are often required to show the store clerk a driver’s license to assure that clerk that we are who we claim to be. This is an even more important issue when we pay by personal check. Yet, USCIS would, under the provisions of a Guest Worker Amnesty Program, provide millions of illegal aliens, who have violated our nation’s borders and laws from the first day that they set foot on our nation’s soil, with official identity documents that would enable terrorists to embed themselves in communities around our country as they await instructions to launch the next terrorist attack against our nation.

John McCain said, “We all know this issue can be caught up in extracurricular politics unless we move forward as quickly as possible.”

This is how con artists operate. I find it reprehensible that there are members of both houses of Congress and candidates for the highest elected office of the United States who would act as mere charlatans! Any politician who could conduct himself in that fashion has made it clear that he is not worthy of our trust and should have his political head handed to him.

I commend Congressman Pence’s (R-IN) leadership evidenced in his statement:

“The president’s willingness to accept the granting of amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants has sent a harmful message to Republican voters around the country. But I also believe that’ll sort itself out in the primaries of 2008. At the end of the day, this is an issue where I find myself focusing less on politics than what policy I think is in the best interests of the American people. There are many reasons why I oppose this ill-conceived and extremely dangerous bill. First and foremost is the continuing threat of terrorism and the way that terrorists would benefit by this piece of trash masquerading as legislation. The title of this bill should be the “Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act of 2007.”

20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill

Sen. Jeff Sessions Releases List of 20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill

Loophole 1 – Legal Status Before Enforcement

Loophole 2 – U.S. VISIT Exit Not In Trigger

Loophole 3 – Trigger Requires No More Agents, Beds, or Fencing Than Current Law

Loophole 4 — Three Additional Years Worth of Illegal Aliens Granted Status, Treated Preferentially To Legal Filers

Loophole 5 – Completion of Background Checks Not Required For Probationary Legal Status

Loophole 6 – Some Child Molesters Are Still Eligible

Loophole 7 – Terrorism Connections Allowed, Good Moral Character Not Required

Loophole 8 – Gang Members Are Eligible

Loophole 9 – Absconders Are Eligible

Loophole 10 – Learning English Not Required For A Decade

Loophole 11 – Earned Income Tax Credit Will Cost Taxpayers Billions In Just 10 Years

Loophole 12 – Affidavits From Friends Accepted As Evidence

Loophole 13 – Taxpayer Funded Legal Counsel and Arbitration

Loophole 14 – In-State Tuition and Student Loans

Loophole 15 – Inadequacy of the Merit System

Loophole 16 – Visas For Individuals That Plan To Overstay

Loophole 17 – Chain Migration Tippled Before Being Eliminated

Loophole 18 – Back Taxes Not Required

Loophole 19 – Social Security Credits Allowed For Some Illegal Work Histories

Loophole 20 – Criminal Fines Not Proportional To Conduct

READ THE DETAILS as it will take but a few minutes. Each point is supported by a single paragraph and the section number in the bill where you can go and read more detail, if you wish.