Missing at Ole Miss: Debra Burlingame scores the first debate

National Review Online editor Kathryn Jean Lopez asked Debra Burlingame her opinion of last night’s debate between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama. Here is a glimpse:

Lopez: Could you ever vote for Obama? Why (not)?

Burlingame: If I could wipe out all I heard Senator Obama say in the primary season — he was then presenting himself with the more moderate positions; he now says he supports missile defense, as opposed to scrapping it — I’d take him more seriously. If al-Qaeda and militant Islamism did not exist, I would be much more comfortable with Barack Obama. He is, at best, a conventional-war commander-in-chief. His resume is so shockingly thin, he is utterly dependent on the advice of those around him. That concerns me deeply. The president has a million people competing for his ear. Without more experience in world affairs, how will he decide whom to listen to? Will he take the path of least resistance? I don’t believe I could ever vote for him because, despite his claim that Sen. McCain is about yesterday and he is about tomorrow, I think he wants to take us back to a defensive posture that would work for our enemies, not us.


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