Gathering of Eagles

Gathering of Eagles vs Iraq Veterans Against War

Reminiscent of John “Jengus Kon” Kerry, tomorrow and Saturday, members of Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) will conduct Winter Soldiers II. Frankly, I am surprised that Senator Kerry did not at least reserve them a meeting room in the Capitol building’s basement. Yet this is not 1971. Some have the courage to confront the past and present day liars. (Hat tip to Michelle Malkin):

And from Gathering of Eagles:

Iraq Veterans Against War plan on revisiting past shame by taking a page from the 1971 VVAW Winter Soldier Investigation (WSI). The IVAW is holding its own Winter Soldier Investigation this month at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, MD.

The unverified allegations by the original Winter Soldier Investigation were made famous by John Kerry’s congressional testimony where he characterized American soldiers as “razing villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan”. Unproven statements from the membership of the VVAW and John Kerry managed to smear the reputation of an entire generation of honorable soldiers. Decades later, Vietnam Veterans are still reeling from the egregious mischaracterization perpetrated by the VVAW.

The Iraq veterans Against War (Formed under Veterans For Peace) are attempting to do the same to this generation of men and women serving in our military. Select IVAW members are scheduled to make statements, and will do so without swearing an oath or signing legally binding depositions, affidavits or official reports. In essence, the IVAW are denying these individuals the basic right of American citizens to due process.

Not these troops — Not this war — Not this time.

The Gathering of Eagles is spearheading a campaign to counter the forthcoming IVAW Winter Soldier Investigation. This video is a compilations of GOE supporters from across the nation speaking out against this upcoming travesty of truth. This new generation of winter soldier’s will NOT have the opportunity to smear our troops with impunity. They will be held accountable for their statements.

Eagles up!

Gathering of Eagles, Times Square and this coming Saturday in D.C.

Yesterday in the rain, just feet from the Military Recruiting Station in Times Square where someone exploded a bomb early Thursday morning, a Gathering of Eagles took place.

A Gathering of Eagles at New York City's Times Square, Saturday, March 8, 2008

Click on image

Michelle Malkin has more here.

Dan Maloney tells of another Gathering of Eagles, this coming Saturday, March 15, 2008, in Washington, D.C:

Stand Up for Our Troops and their mission!

Who: Gathering of Eagles, Eagles Up!, Move America Forward, Free Republic, Freedom Watch, Rolling Thunder and many more

What: Americans Standing Up — Support the Troops Rally and Face Down of IVAW and the mongrel horde of America hating, troop hating subversive groups.

This is the Big One!

Eagles Up!