Tim Sumner

Where does Ground Zero end?

The dust clouds from the collapsing South and North Towers rapidly rolled out in all directions. Papers from the World Trade Center landed in Brooklyn and many homes and businesses there also had to be decontaminated. Human remains were found as far away as the East River. The streets were inch-deep with debris the length of Wall Street, which terminates at South Street near the historic Sea Port.

The Burlington Coat Factory is less than 400 feet from World Trade Center Tower 7 which also collapsed. Those who say a mosque there would not be at Ground Zero are just plain wrong.


Join us Sunday August 22 at 11am RAIN OR SHINE

Protesters will tell President Obama, the Hamas terrorist organization, Mayor Bloomberg and Imam Rauf: No Cordoba Mosque at Ground Zero and Stop Shariah and jihad mosques in America!

Join construction workers, firefighters, veterans, 9/11 families and first responders, human rights leaders, and residents of the Ground Zero neighborhood will unite for a major protest at the Ground Zero mosque site.

Protesters to demand that the State Department answer: why are you sending Imam Rauf as an envoy across America and the globe on the taxpayers’ dime?

WHO: The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero and: the Blue Collar Corner; The Bravest; 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America; Women United International; Stop Shariah Now; ACT! For America and ACT! Manhattan; Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam; Sudan Freedom Walk; and many other organizations and leaders to be announced, as well as local residents living in the Ground Zero area.



E Train stops at Church St. Walk 2 blocks north to Park Place. Make left on Park Place and walk to West Broadway. 2, 3, and C Trains stop at Park Place. Walk west on Park Place one block to West Broadway. A Train stops at Chambers St. Get off and walk either downtown 3 blocks to Park Place and make right on Park Place one block to West Broadway walk 1 block west on Chambers to West Broadway and make left on West Broadway and walk downtown 3 blocks. 1 Train stops at Chambers Street. Exit on Chambers Street and look for the corner where Chambers, Hudson and West Broadway intersect. Walk downtown on West Broadway 3 blocks.

WHY: To push back against those attempting to impose harsh Shariah Islam, stealth jihad or terror on our nation. We will not be moved!

Debra Burlingame Discusses Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf & Pelosi’s Comments

Debra Burlingame was on Fox & Friends this morning to discuss Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s comments

Join us Sunday August 22 at 11am

Protesters will tell President Obama, the Hamas terrorist organization, Mayor Bloomberg and Imam Rauf: No Cordoba Mosque at Ground Zero and Stop Shariah and jihad mosques in America!

Join construction workers, firefighters, veterans, 9/11 families and first responders, human rights leaders, and residents of the Ground Zero neighborhood will unite for a major protest at the Ground Zero mosque site.

Protesters to demand that the State Department answer: why are you sending Imam Rauf as an envoy across America and the globe on the taxpayers’ dime?

WHO: The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero and: the Blue Collar Corner; The Bravest; 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America; Women United International; Stop Shariah Now; ACT! For America and ACT! Manhattan; Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam; Sudan Freedom Walk; and many other organizations and leaders to be announced, as well as local residents living in the Ground Zero area.



E Train stops at Church St. Walk 2 blocks north to Park Place. Make left on Park Place and walk to West Broadway. 2, 3, and C Trains stop at Park Place. Walk west on Park Place one block to West Broadway. A Train stops at Chambers St. Get off and walk either downtown 3 blocks to Park Place and make right on Park Place one block to West Broadway walk 1 block west on Chambers to West Broadway and make left on West Broadway and walk downtown 3 blocks. 1 Train stops at Chambers Street. Exit on Chambers Street and look for the corner where Chambers, Hudson and West Broadway intersect. Walk downtown on West Broadway 3 blocks.

WHY: To push back against those attempting to impose harsh Shariah Islam, stealth jihad or terror on our nation. We will not be moved!