Quote of the day

“Gun-free zones” are premised on a fantasy: That murderers will follow rules and that people like my student, or Bradford Wiles, are a greater danger to those around them than crazed killers like Cho Seung-hui. That’s an insult. Sometimes, it’s a deadly one. — Glenn Reynolds, in an op-ed today, in the New York Daily News.

Hundreds line funeral route of fallen soldier

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:

Citizens waved American flags and stood in groups, paying their respects to [Army Staff Sergeant Jesse] Williams, 25, who was killed by a sniper in Iraq on April 8. It was the largest tribute to a fallen soldier from Northern California since more than 1,000 Ukiah residents waited until 2 a.m. last June to honor Army Sgt. Jason Buzzard, who was killed by a roadside bomb in Baghdad.

“It’s overwhelming,” said William’s stepmother, Sandra Handley, who wept as an Army honor guard carried his flag-draped coffin from the hearse into Daniels Chapel of the Roses in Santa Rosa. “Our young people who are serving in our armed forces deserve our respect and love because they pay the ultimate price for our country, as Jesse did.”

Hundreds line funeral route to pay respects to Army Staff Sergeant Jesse Williams

Photo caption: Mary St. Clair of Healdsburg wipes away tears as she watches the body of Army Staff Sgt. Jesse Williams return to Santa Rosa. Her own son recently returned from Iraq safely. Click here for the full article.