Andy McCarthy speaks for me about immigration reform

Like him, I need proof, not promises:

If I thought the proposed legalization was really one time only, and that we had figured out a good way to separate the good, decent people from the terrorists, gang-bangers and assorted felons, I’d get beyond my hesitation (and probably my better judgment) to make accommodations for those millions to continue to work hard and enjoy a better life with their families — like my immigrant ancestors got to do. I’d rationalize that it was the humane thing to do even if it might not be the smartest thing to do. But I need, up front, to be confident it is not a ruinous thing to do.

Devout Muslim taking a stand against Islamists

Yesterday, Hot Air posted its interview of Dr. Zuhdi Jasser who is featured in ‘Islam vs. Islamists’ that PBS has finally agreed to release. Dr. Jasser, a devout Muslim and former U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander, strongly opposes the politicalization of America’s mosques by Islamists and organizations like CAIR.

Interview of Zuhdi Jasser on Hot Air 05242007

Click on the image to view the video

Also see Dr. Jasser’s web site, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.