Michelle Malkin took inventory today of the biggest whoppers prior to the latest “misstatement” by Senator Hillary Clinton. While I will link to her commentary, one passage shows the former first lady passed on at least one poor character trait to her now 27 year-old (former first) daughter:
At least Hillary “It’s my mother’s fault I lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary” Clinton and Bill “I have vivid memories of black churches burning that, uh, OK, never burned” Clinton can be proud of raising a daughter who didn’t fall far from the reality-challenged tree.
Asked in Bloomington, Ind., on Monday to explain how she survived the nonexistent sniper fire, the [former] first daughter, with a promising future in fiction writing, responded smoothly: “We were well-protected by our United States military and the United States Secret Service.”
Also see Michelle Malkin’s hillarious post: Tuzla and truth deprivation.