Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Charges and Specifications: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al

Charges and Specifications: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al

I. Names, aliases, and ISN (last four) numbers of the accused:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (aliases Mukhtar al Baluchi; Hafiz; Meer Akram; Abdul Rahman Abdullah AI Ghamdi) ISN 10024

Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin ‘Attash (aliases Khallad; Salah Saeed Mohammed Bin Yousaf; Silver; Tawfiq) ISN 10014

Ramzi Binalshibh (aliases Abu Ubaydah; Ahad Abdollahi Sabet; Abu Ubaydah al Hadrami) ISN 10013

Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (aliases Ammar al Baluchi; Isam Mansur; Isam Mansar; Isam Mansour; Ali; Hani.) ISN 10018

Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi (aliases Zahir; HaShem Abdollahi; Muhammad Ahanad; Abderahman Mustafa) ISN 10011

Mohamed al Kahtani (aliases Ahmed al Qahtani; Mohamed al Qahtani; Abdul Rahman al Janoobi) ISN 0063 [charges previously dismissed without prejudice and may be refiled at a later date]


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed complains like a baby over courtroom sketch


CBS and the AP report:

No photographers were allowed inside the courtroom for the first appearance of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged coconspirators on war crimes charges. So it fell to artist Janet Hamlin to provide the world with the first image of the al Qaeda kingpin since his capture in Pakistan in 2003.

Her rendering was reviewed to make sure it didn’t include classified information, and wound up in Mohammed’s hands when his defense team was given a look, said Pentagon spokesman Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon.

Mohammed wasn’t pleased.

“I heard he said I should compare it to the FBI photo of him,” Hamlin said, clutching a copy of the much-publicized capture photo that showed Mohammed in a T-shirt looking disheveled and unshaven.

Asked if Mohammed had a point, Hamlin said: “I agree totally” before rushing back to the courtroom to downsize his nose.

She missed the blood on his hands yet there are limits to what an eraser can do.

Update: Allahpundit at has more.