
Perle disputes Tenet, blames Bush for Iraq

Richard Perle told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer last night he never said to George Tenet that “Iraq has to pay the price for what happened,” not on September 12, 2001, or ever. He added he never believed Saddam Hussein played a direct role in 9/11 yet still believes Saddam Hussein posed a danger to the U.S., 9/11 showed what happens if we do not deal with threats, and we were right to depose him.

Then Perle unwittingly revealed why he undermined the administration’s efforts in Iraq for the next three years, while at the State Department. He said he advised the administration to leave after Saddam was deposed, calling the decision to stay the course “politically inept.” In other words, arms control expert Richard Perle thinks we should have let a full civil war occur, complete with mass graves, millions of refugees, terrorists pouring in, and the nations on Iraq’s borders all feeding the fire.

Yes, sectarian violence and the al Qaeda have cost more than 3,000 American soldiers and many more Iraqi civilians their lives. Yet, thanks to America, Iraq is far from being a lost cause. While liberal politicians are saying we ought to withdraw and let the bloodbath begin now, Richard Perle wanted it all along.

Perle disputes Tenet and blames Bush for Iraq


And here is CNN’s article.