
Congressman John Murtha should apologize or resign, or both

While the deaths in Haditha were still under investigation, Congressman John Murtha (D, PA-12), was briefed by those close to the case and then publicly pronounced his prejudgment that United States Marines had murdered twenty-four people in cold blood. On May 18th 2006, Congressman Murtha was interviewed by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews:

Matthews: “When you say ‘cold blood’, Congressman, a lot of people think you are basically saying you have some civilians sitting in a room or out in a field and they are executed, just on purpose, not because the Marines are scared or anybody is scared.”

Murtha: “That is exactly what happened. This was not an action. This was not. At first they tried to say this was an IED. There was no IED involved in this. This was troops who went in, they were so stressed out that they went into houses and killed women and children. Twenty-four people they killed.”

Then Congressman Murtha revealed his political motivation, “They were so stressed out… the responsibility goes right to the top,” meaning the Marines murdered civilians in cold blood and it is all George W. Bush’s fault.

Yesterday, the officer who conducted Marine LCpl Justin Sharratt’s Article 32 hearing (the military equivalent of a grand jury investigation), recommended the charges against him be dismissed:

Wednesday July 11, 2007 7:01 AM – SAN DIEGO (AP) – An investigating officer has recommended dismissing murder charges against a Marine accused in the slayings of three Iraqi men in a squad action that killed 24 civilians in Haditha, according to a report released Tuesday.

The government’s theory that Lance Cpl. Justin L. Sharratt had executed the three men was “incredible” and relied on contradictory statements by Iraqis, Lt. Col. Paul Ware said in the report, released by Sharratt’s defense attorneys.

“To believe the government version of facts is to disregard clear and convincing evidence to the contrary, and sets a dangerous precedent that, in my opinion, may encourage others to bear false witness against Marines as a tactic to erode public support of the Marine Corps and mission in Iraq,” Ware wrote.

The recommendation is nonbinding. A final decision about whether Sharratt should stand trial will be made by Lt. Gen. James Mattis, the commanding general overseeing the case.

It is the second time an investigating officer has recommended charges not continue to trial in the killings. In the case of Marine lawyer Capt. Randy W. Stone, the investigating officer recommended his dereliction of duty charge be dealt with administratively.

Three enlisted men are charged with murder and four officers are accused of failing to investigate the killings. On Nov. 19, 2005, a roadside bomb blast killed one Marine and in the aftermath other members of his squad killed two dozen Iraqis, including women and children in their homes.

Click on the following two images to enlarge them and read LTC Ware’s finding:



You may also read the pdf version on his report at the War Chronicle.

Congressman Murtha should apologize or resign, or both.

Abandoning Iraq will lead to the Reid-Pelosi Massacres: Ralph Peters

If we leave Iraq, the “humanitarians” and leftists in America will be correct, Iraq will become Vietnam:

Masterminded by former Secretary of State Jim “Have Your Hugged Your Saudi Prince Today?” Baker, the report is a blueprint for a return to yesteryear’s dictator-smooching policy (which helped create al Qaeda – thanks, Jimbo!).

That Baker report reminds me of cheap horror films where the zombies just keep coming back – except that zombies retain a measure of integrity.

But if Republicans are rushing to desert our troops and spit on the graves of heroes, the Democratic Party at least has been consistent – they’ve supported our enemies from the start, undercutting our troops and refusing to explain in detail what happens if we flee Iraq.

So I’ll tell you what happens: massacres. And while I have nothing against Shia militiamen and Sunni insurgents killing each other 24/7, the overwhelming number of victims will be innocent women, children and the elderly.

Bosnia? That was just rough-necking at recess compared to what Islamist fanatics and ethnic beasts will do. Given that Senate Majority Misleader Harry Reid and Commissar of the House Nancy Pelosi won’t tell us what they foresee after we quit, let me lay it out:

* After suffering a strategic defeat, al-Qaeda-in-Iraq comes back from the dead (those zombies again . . .) and gets to declare a strategic victory over the Great Satan.

* Iran establishes hegemony over Iraq’s southern oil fields and menaces the other Persian Gulf producers. (Sorry, Comrade Gore, even that Toyota Prius needs some gasoline . . . )

* Our troops will have died in vain. Of course, that doesn’t really matter to much of anyone in Washington, Democrat or Republican. So we’ll just write off those young Americans stupid enough to join the military when they could’ve ducked out the way most members of Congress did.

* A slaughter of the innocents – so many dead, the bodies will never be counted.

But I hope somebody tries to count the dead after our Congress kills them [emphasis added mine]. As for those on the left who sanctimoniously set out rows of shabby combat boots to “teach” the rest of us the cost of war, I fully expect them to put out displays of women’s slippers and children’s shoes to show the world how many innocents died when they “brought our troops home now.” (Note to the demonstrators – better start bulk-ordering those slippers and booties now.)

Read the rest of LTC (U.S. Army retired) Ralph Peters’ commentary here.