Jack Webb played LAPD Sergeant Joe Friday in the great TV series ‘Dragnet’ and was famous for saying, “Just the facts, sir,” to witnesses when they spoke of something other then the crimes they were reporting. Keith Olermann should have stuck to the facts in his reporting about now former Senator Larry Craig. What a perv becoming a perp in a Minneapolis airport has to do with Iraq was lost on me, as was how hazing became a war crime:
It wasn’t until the end and him saying, “day 1,582 since the ‘Mission Accomplished’ statement,” that I realized that white cloth on the head of ‘Larry the troller’ in the YouTube video was Olbermann’s reminding people of Abu Ghraib.
Larry Craig was history the moment this story broke but Keith Olbermann did a poor imitation of Jack Webb and he could not resist taking a shot at Bush’s “unjust” war and warriors.
Having reviewed Olbermann’s ‘Dragnet 2007 – The Larry Craig Bust’ and having received an ‘A’ for Psych 101 (making me, of course, the world’s foremost expert on the subject), I suspect that Olbermann is suffering from Post-Traumatic Panty Party Syndrome: he was made to wear them on his head as a freshman in college. I bet he wears them now, on his show, and 24/7, 365. Yet that is all my inane speculation, just my personal opinion of Keith “I know the truth about 9/11” (it was all George W. Bush’s fault) Olbermann, not the facts about President Bush, Iraq, Abu Ghraib, or former Senator Larry Craig.