Flight 1549

Flight 1549 rolls to Teterboro Airport

U.S. Airways Flight 1549 was made famous when it was fabulously landed in the Hudson River by its crew, Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, co-pilot Jeffrey B. Skiles and flight attendants Doreen Walsh, Sheila Dail, and Donna Dent. Late in the afternoon of February 28 it was towed from the river to Teterboro Airport in New Jersey.

Yesterday afternoon, Anthony Quintano was alerted by a friend that U.S. Airways Flight 1549 was being towed down New Jersey’s Route 46 towards Teterboro Airport where it will be examined in detail. He grabbed his “Canon 5d Mark II and drove down to the corner and managed to just catch the plane passing us.” Here is the 47-second video:

In addition, the co-founder, Dean Thompson, of the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial passed on eleven great photos of Flight 1549 being towed through narrow city streets in New Jersey as the sun set. Click on the photo below to see the photos and slide show.