Protect ‘John Does’: NYC mayoral candidate

In today’s New York Sun:

Recently, only one Democratic member of the New York City congressional delegation voted in favor of a measure approved in the House to protect people who report suspicious behavior relating to transportation security from the threat of lawsuits.

Rep. Anthony Weiner, who represents Brooklyn and Queens and is already running for mayor, backed the “John Doe” amendment, a reference to the unnamed defendants who told officials on a US Airways flight in Minneapolis last November that a group of imams was acting suspiciously. The imams sued the airline, airport officials, and the passengers who made the report.

An advertisement urging the [United States] Senate to pass the measure is appearing in the latest issue of City Hall, a free monthly publication. Another ad is expected to appear in the New York Post today or later this week, mayoral hopeful John Catsimatidis, who is paying for the ads, said. He is chairman and CEO of Red Apple Group and Gristedes.

[New York City] Council Member Hiram Monserrate of Queens plans to introduce a resolution that would have the council press the Senate to approve the amendment, introduced by Rep. Peter King of Long Island. “We congratulate Congressman Peter King for working hard to protect New Yorkers,” Mr. Catsimatidis, a Republican turned Democrat turned Republican, said. “If people get scared of turning in people, then I think it’s going to compromise New York security. And what I’m concerned about is New Yorkers.”

Mr. Catsimatidis said he took out the ads because he wants to put the issue “on the table” and hold elected officials accountable for their vote. He said Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Jerrold Nadler, Democrats of New York who voted against the amendment, are good friends of his and that he thinks the ad will let them know “maybe they should have looked at it twice.”

City Hall already has ties to the case that prompted the amendment. An attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Omar Mohammedi, serves as a Bloomberg administration appointee on the city’s Commission on Human Rights and is representing the six imams. In the House, 105 Democrats voted in favor of the John Doe amendment and 121 voted against it. It passed March 27 on a vote of 304 to 121.

The amendment was added to the Rail and Public Transportation Security Act in the House. Mr. King said he or someone else would introduce the amendment to the Senate’s bill if the two sides of Congress as expected hold a conference on the legislation.

Mr. Monserrate said it is important for the council to take a position on the amendment.

The city of New York, more than any place on this planet, was affected by terrorism the most on September 11,” he said. “It is an issue that is going to be debated, and rightfully so.”

CAIR also sued on behalf of 9/11 dry run terrorists

Seven years before filing suit against “John Doe” airline passengers on behalf of the six ‘Flying Imams,’ CAIR, the Council of American-Islamic Relations, filed a lawsuit on behalf of two men the FBI says were conducting a “dry run” in preparation for the 9/11 hijackings. FrontPage magazine has the details:

It’s a tale of two Novembers with the horror of September 11th sandwiched in between… In November 2006, six imams on a US Airways Minneapolis to Phoenix flight begin engaging in bizarre behaviors eerily similar to those used by the 9/11 hijackers… [I]n November 1999, two Saudi students on an America West flight from Phoenix to Columbus were detained after landing because they had made repeated attempts to enter the cockpit area of the plane during the flight.

In both cases, CAIR rose up to defend the offenders in question and engaged in their now standard grievance theater protest politics. In the most recent case, CAIR has tried to capitalize on the publicity surrounding the incident by backing the “Flying Imams” and supporting their lawsuit against the airlines and passengers for responding to their bizarre behavior. The lawsuit is being handled by a Muslim attorney associated with CAIR.

When it comes to the November 1999 incident, any mention of CAIR’s involvement or defense of the Saudi students has been scrubbed from the organization’s website. It’s no wonder, as the 9/11 Commission Report (page 521, footnote 60) explains that the FBI now considers the incident as a “dry run” for the 9/11 hijackings. And the two men involved? As the 9/11 Commission Report explains, Hamdan al-Shalawi was in Afghanistan in November 2000 training at an Al-Qaeda camp to launch “Khobar Tower”-type attacks against the US in Saudi Arabia, and Mohammad Al-Qadhaieen was arrested in June 2003 as a material witness in the 9/11 attacks. Both men were friends of Al-Qaeda recruiter, Zakaria Mustapha Soubra, who drove them to the airport that day in Qadhaieen’s car. Another friend of Shalawi is Ghassan al-Sharbi, another Al-Qaeda operative that would later be captured in Pakistan with high-level Al-Qaeda leader Abu Zubaida.

There is a connection between these two incidents…

See the connection, follow the links, and read the full story by clicking here. It is worth your time.