Aviation Security

Determined father pursues Sept. 11 lawsuit; ‘I want people to know that 9/11 could have been prevented’

Determined Father Pursues Sept. 11 Lawsuit
While Most Families Have Renounced Legal Claims, Mike Low Wants Case to Be Finished in Court
September 5, 2009 (CBS) This story is by CBS News’ Jeff Glor and Phil Hirschkorn

Since the 9/11 attacks, almost every victims’ family has settled its wrongful death complaints, except just a few, and only one has a trial date scheduled. Jeff Glor reports on a determined father.

Mike Low wishes his trial was already over. Alone among nearly 3,000 families that lost loved ones in the September 11th terrorist attacks, Low, from Batesville, Arkansas, has a trial date set for his wrongful death lawsuit against airlines and airport security companies.

“I want people to know 9/11 could have been prevented. These Saudi thugs could have been stopped,” Low told CBS News. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers that day were from Saudi Arabia.

Low’s 28-year-old daughter, Sara, was a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to strike the World Trade Center.

“This is an excruciating thing as a parent to continue this, but I don’t have a choice,” Low said. “I could just not quit until I know I’ve gone as far as I can go, because I would have her image hanging over me the rest of my life saying, ‘You quit, you quit.'”

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Obama secretly ends program that let pilots carry guns

On November 19, 2002, the Federal Flight Deck Officers program was approved in the Senate, by a vote of 90 to 9, as part of H.R. 5005, “A bill to establish the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes.” While Senators Akaka, Byrd, Feingold, Hollings, Inouye, Jeffords, Kennedy, Levin, and Sarbanes all vote against the DHS bill, the Federal Flight Deck Officers portion of the measure had overwhelming support on both sides of the aisle. Three days later, the House passed the final bill without objection and it became Public Law No: 107-296.

The vast majority of those who voted to arm commercial pilots are still Members of Congress so where is the outrage now from them over this?