
9/11 Flight Crew Memorial: ‘First Taken, Last Remembered, Now Honored’

Nearly seven years after 19 Islamic jihadists took control of four commercial airliners with the intention of raining death and destruction on America, the flight crews who were first to die that day have finally been appropriately honored. The 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial dedication in Grapevine, Texas, host city to Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport, took place on Independence Day.

What a fitting day to remember the 33 individuals who were the first First Responders and the only uniformed service members to confront the faces of evil up close, in hand-to-hand battle. From the pilots in the cockpit and the forward flight attendants who were attacked with folding knives and box cutters, to the crew members who alerted the world, to those who joined with passengers using whatever was at hand to mount a do-or-die resistance and successfully stopping the suicide killers from reaching the nation’s capital, these 33 men and women should be remembered for their bravery, dedication to duty, and shared humanity as they faced what they knew to be the last moments of their lives.

What is immediately noticeable about this glorious memorial is that it was entirely conceived and built by individuals who come from, or are closely connected to, the aviation community. Too often, memorials become mired in controversy because they stray too far from their intended purpose, which is to mark an historic event, honor the individuals whose lives shaped or were personally touched by that event, and to inspire those of us who live on, today and tomorrow, to lead our lives in a way that gives meaning to those values which we hold dear as a people.

Men and women for whom the attack on airplanes was deeply and intensely personal built this memorial. It was the vision of Valerie Thompson, an American Airlines flight attendant with 20 years seniority, for whom the 9/11 attacks were a call to action to build a permanent remembrance to her colleagues and to honor all those aviation professionals whose lives changed forever on September 11. Her husband, Dean Thompson, sculpted the one and a half life sized bronze figures adapted from an original design by Bryce Cameron Liston. The 18-foot structure is situated on the outskirts of Dallas-Ft. Worth International Airport where a steady flow of commercial jetliners in their final landing approach can be seen in the distance, adding a living reminder of what we lost and what continues to be an object of terrorist obsession.

Shirley Hall, vice president of the memorial foundation, also an American Airlines flight attendant, explained the sculpture’s symbolism during the memorial’s July 4, 2008, dedication ceremony. In part, she said:

“The captain stands at the highest point, his copilot to his right, as it is on the airplane. The captain is charged with the responsibility of protecting passengers, fellow crewmembers and the aircraft. The first officer is alert, his safety manual in hand, pointing to the western horizon, the intended destination of all four flights. Back-to-back placement of the flight attendants to the cockpit crew shows the teamwork of all flight crews, especially now – post 9/11.

“The young girl with her teddy bear represents the traveling public. She is the family on their big vacation, the newlyweds on honeymoon, the grandmother on her very first flight, the weary businessman and unfortunately now … she is the soldier off to war.

“The role best known by the general flying public is portrayed by the male flight attendant. He drapes a blanket around the small child. His duties show a commitment to passenger care and service. Indicative of her role as a safety professional, the female flight attendant stands in the protected position: her hand held in the International sign for “stop”, shielding her passenger from harm.”

It makes perfect sense that this memorial would not be an abstract work of art with its subject matter intentionally obscured, if not impossible to discern. Instead, it is a classical figurative rendering of the human beings who lived and died on that hellish day, people whose lives and deeds represent those essential virtues, which cannot be vanquished by force of steel and fire. This is a memorial composed of poignant images denoting courage, dedication and commitment, virtues that our forefathers and foremothers possessed more than two hundred thirty years ago at the birth of the nation, and which are indispensable to the effort of preserving our way of life generations into the future.

It is significant to me that this million-dollar memorial was entirely a grassroots effort, funded and built through the dollars of ordinary people, without the support of national endowments, political affiliations or government money.

As we go forward in this long war against a patient, determined enemy, it is comforting to know that Americans still know how to get things done when they are focused and determined, that they understand the importance of symbols which communicate our core values, and which bind us together from one generation to the next.


Editor — Click here to view and learn more about the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial

National 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial

The first purpose of this post and its related pages is to honor thirty-three heroes, the 9/11 flight crews:

American Airlines Flight 11
United Airlines Flight 175
American Airlines Flight 77
United Airlines Flight 93

The thirty-three 9/11 flight crew members.

The 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial in Grapevine, Texas, serves as a national place of remembrance for those first defenders. From concept to reality, the memorial was the noble work of Foundation volunteers. On these pages, as 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America honors the 9/11 flight crews, we feature the national memorial with the same hope as its creators, remembrance.

To view a May 29, 2008, Dallas/Ft Worth CBS TV Channel 11 video report on the making and meaning of the memorial, click on the image below:

Each image below on this page contains a link to additional information. A preview of that information is available by placing your cursor over an image.

CLICK ON IMAGE TO VISIT 911flightcrewmemorial.org -- from left to right, 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial Foundation Vice President Shirley Hall; 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial sculpture and Foundation President Dean Thompson, and 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial founder Valerie Thompson

On July 4, 2008, just outside of Dallas/Ft Worth International Airport, the first national memorial to 9/11 heroes was dedicated. Shirley Hall, who is a Flight Attendant and the Vice President of the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial Foundation, explained the memorial sculpture’s symbolism:

Shirley Hall, speaking of symbolism, at the the July 4, 2008, dedication ceremony of the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial, in Grapevine, Texas.

“As volunteers on this project, we have each spent time describing this statue in our attempts to raise funds to turn Valerie’s dream into a reality. From Bryce Cameron Liston’s original interpretation to the final magnificent piece of art you see here today, each of us has shared our ideas on the symbolism of the statue.

CLICK ON THE IMAGE to read the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial Foundation press release

“The entire bronze sculpture and Texas limestone base sit centered on the North, South, East and West directional indicator known as the “Compass Rose.” A granite facing displays the flights and names of the crew.

CLICK ON IMAGE to Tim Frazier's report on the sculpture's installation

“A stone column rises to support a large globe, as we all know the aviation industry spans the world. The impressive eagles, a national symbol of freedom, represent both airlines, American and United that lost flights that morning.

CLICK ON IMAGE to view a brief yet excellent video report on the dedication ceremony

“The Captain stands at the highest point, his copilot to his right, as it is on the airplane. The Captain is charged with the responsibility of protecting passengers, fellow crewmembers and the aircraft.

CLICK ON IMAGE TO VIEW SLIDE SHOWS of the 9/11 Flight Crew Memoria

(Click on image to view the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial)

“The First Officer is alert, his safety manual in hand, pointing to the western horizon, the intended destination of all four flights. Back-to-back placement of the Flight Attendants to the Cockpit Crew shows the teamwork of all flight crews, especially now — post 9/11.

CBS's written report: Statue Will Serve As Lone Memorial Dedicated To Flight Crews'

“The young girl with her teddy bear represents the traveling public. She is the family on their big vacation, the newlyweds on honeymoon, the grandmother on her very first flight, the weary businessman and unfortunately now… she is the soldier off to war.

“The role best known by the general flying public is portrayed by the male Flight Attendant. He drapes a blanket around the small child. His duties show a commitment to passenger care and service.

Brief biographies of all thirty-three 9/11 Flight Crew members

“Indicative of her role as a safety professional, the female Flight Attendant stands in the protected position: her hand held in the International sign for “stop”, shielding her passenger from harm.

For a PDF to download and print of the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial dedication's insert, CLICK ON IMAGE

“The 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial is dedicated to the 33 flight crewmembers that were lost and all the crewmembers that courageously continue to be the ever-vigilant professionals of the airline industry.

'On the Wings of Eagles' by Grapevine Mayor William Tate

“As you return to visit in a quieter moment, please remember that this site is sacred ground. Walk quietly, speak softly, pray if you will, cry if you must; but always look to the skies.


“To our heroes: first taken, last remembered, now honored.”

Looking Skyward: A one-minute slide show

9/11 Flight Crew Memorial is located at: 1000 Texan Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051.


We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Grapevine residents Donna Vickers, Tim Frazier, and Steve Novotny towards this post and the online memorial. In addition, we thank Lisa A. McCowan, Media Relations Manager of the Grapevine Convention & Visitors Bureau, for her assistance and the additional photographs.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Valerie Thompson, Dean Thompson, the volunteers, the city of Grapevine, and all who helped make the 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial a beautiful and fitting tribute to our heroes. Thank you.

Our Flag

We will continue to add to these pages over time.

If you have suggestions or submissions for consideration, please email us at admin@911familiesforAmerica.org

‘Missing Man’ flyover video follows.


Originally posted July 8, 2008.