Tim Sumner

The nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Muslims

While some intentionally deny it, Hitler’s Nazis did exterminate six million Jews during the Holocaust and the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Muslims. And despite what you hear from an ignorant TV “star” and other assorted fools, the World Trade Center’s building 7 fell as a result of structural damage and fires caused by the collapse of the North Tower. The city decided to not place scores more FDNY firefighters at extreme risk after so many had already died that day.

Michelle Malkin wrote of more denial today in the New York Post and the danger it places us all in:

Here was the description of the school drill plan: “The exercise will simulate an attack by a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled. Under the scenario, a bomb is placed on the bus and is detonated while the bus is traveling on Durham, causing the bus to land on its side and fill with smoke.”

Flabbergasting: In the wake of 9/11 and the jihadists’ carnage against schoolchildren in Beslan, Russia, the school chose to prepare their students for an attack by Christian homeschooling “wackos,” not Muslim suicide bombers.

How many other jihad-whitewashing mock terrorism drills have been conducted using tax dollars? How long before we mimic the British schools — where the Holocaust is being dropped from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils?

American educators have been bending to the will of the grievance-mongers ever since the 9/11 attacks. Remember the jihad-sympathizing admonition included in the NEA’s touchy-feely, post-9/11 curriculum: “Do not suggest that any group is responsible” for the terrorist attacks, parents and teachers were advised.

But feel free to conjure up homeschooling “wackos” and Christian “New Crusaders” to avoid offending the Muslim lobby.

Not all Muslims are terrorists yet nearly all of the terrorists still trying to kill Americans are Muslims. That is the real world threat we face and the one we should prepare for.

Note: Michelle Malkin now also has a link up about whitewashing jihad in the schools here.

IBM supports America’s troops

The Associated Press reported today that IBM is supporting our troops in a big way. I know, cynics will say, “It is a PR move and they will just write it off as a tax deduction.” Perhaps yet if you hear one saying that or see someone write that, ask them what they have done for our troops. Here an excerpt of the article and a link:

To honor an employee’s son who was badly wounded in Iraq, IBM Corp. (IBM) plans to give the U.S. military $45 million worth of Arabic-English translation technology that the Pentagon had been testing for possible purchase. The offer — made from the highest reaches of the company directly to President Bush — is so unusual that Defense Department and IBM lawyers have been scouring federal laws to make sure the government can accept the donation.

The story begins one night in late February, when Army Sgt. Mark Ecker Jr., 21, on his second tour in Iraq, was on patrol in Ramadi. Preparing to raid a house, Ecker’s unit lined up along a side of the building. But an explosive device had been hidden in the wall, and when it went off, it wounded several soldiers. Ecker eventually lost both legs below the knee.

Ecker’s father, an IBM mainframe sales specialist in East Longmeadow, Mass., shared the story of his son’s ordeal with co-workers, and word spread through the company. Eventually it reached Chairman and CEO Samuel Palmisano. IBM would not make Palmisano available for comment. But according to other IBM executives, Palmisano had heard from several IBM employees who have returned from active duty in Iraq that a shortage of Arabic translators has severely hampered U.S. forces’ efforts to communicate.

With that and Ecker’s experience in mind, Palmisano called and wrote Bush, offering to make IBM’s Multilingual Automatic Speech Translator software, known as MASTOR, “immediately available for use by our forces in Iraq.” Palmisano offered 10,000 copies of the MASTOR software and 1,000 devices equipped with it, plus training and technical support. “Hopefully this will be helpful to our efforts,” he wrote.

Maybe you cannot hope to match IBM’s generosity yet here is a place you can find lots of ways to support our troops.