Tiny lunatic fringe here adds up to a big threat

Michelle Malkin, in this morning’s New York Post:

So, why are younger Muslims turning on their countrymen?

The answer, the blame, lies with their educational diet. The jihadi recruitment videos they can download on YouTube. The jihadi social networks on MySpace. The apologist lessons they consume in p.c. schools.

The numbers should be a wake-up call, not another excuse for the mainstream media to downplay the threat of homegrown jihad.

The poll comes on the heels of the Fort Dix jihadi terror bust involving young, American-raised Muslims and the conviction this week of Muslim doctor Rafiq Abdus Sabir – born in Harlem, based in Florida – who had pledged loyalty to al Qaeda and vowed to treat injured al Qaeda fighters so they could return to Iraq to kill Americans.

The tiny minority of jihadi sympathizers aren’t just sitting around stewing harmlessly about their beliefs. They are recruiting, proselytizing, plotting and growing.

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