Bloomberg at odds with flying imams’ lawyer

Mayor Bloomberg differs with a member of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the same man he appointed as a member of New York City’s Human Relations Council in 2002. The New York Post reports:

People must be able to alert the police if they see suspicious behavior that could be terror-related, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday, endorsing legislation moving through Congress that would protect whistleblowers from lawsuits.

“I think people should be free to go to law enforcement if they think there’s something wrong,” Bloomberg said.

His comments come in the wake of a lawsuit – brought by an attorney the mayor appointed to the city’s Human Rights Commission – against passengers who reported six imams acting suspiciously on a flight last fall.

“You certainly should not feel that you cannot go and report something,” Bloomberg said.

The legislation, being sponsored by Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.), has passed the House and is awaiting action in the Senate. [See note below]

Omar Mohammedi, whom Bloomberg appointed to the HRC in 2002, is representing six imams who were thrown off a USAirways flight in Minneapolis on Nov. 30.

The Post has more here on this.

Editor’s note: The bill has not “passed” in the House. It was voted by 199 Republicans and 105 Democrats into the language of the Democrat sponsored 7.3 billion dollar transportation security bill and sent to the House Judiciary Committee for further action.

The nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Muslims

While some intentionally deny it, Hitler’s Nazis did exterminate six million Jews during the Holocaust and the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Muslims. And despite what you hear from an ignorant TV “star” and other assorted fools, the World Trade Center’s building 7 fell as a result of structural damage and fires caused by the collapse of the North Tower. The city decided to not place scores more FDNY firefighters at extreme risk after so many had already died that day.

Michelle Malkin wrote of more denial today in the New York Post and the danger it places us all in:

Here was the description of the school drill plan: “The exercise will simulate an attack by a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled. Under the scenario, a bomb is placed on the bus and is detonated while the bus is traveling on Durham, causing the bus to land on its side and fill with smoke.”

Flabbergasting: In the wake of 9/11 and the jihadists’ carnage against schoolchildren in Beslan, Russia, the school chose to prepare their students for an attack by Christian homeschooling “wackos,” not Muslim suicide bombers.

How many other jihad-whitewashing mock terrorism drills have been conducted using tax dollars? How long before we mimic the British schools — where the Holocaust is being dropped from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils?

American educators have been bending to the will of the grievance-mongers ever since the 9/11 attacks. Remember the jihad-sympathizing admonition included in the NEA’s touchy-feely, post-9/11 curriculum: “Do not suggest that any group is responsible” for the terrorist attacks, parents and teachers were advised.

But feel free to conjure up homeschooling “wackos” and Christian “New Crusaders” to avoid offending the Muslim lobby.

Not all Muslims are terrorists yet nearly all of the terrorists still trying to kill Americans are Muslims. That is the real world threat we face and the one we should prepare for.

Note: Michelle Malkin now also has a link up about whitewashing jihad in the schools here.