Here are their names, as heard by the News staff. Years of service follow each name:
Capt. William “Billy” Hutchinson, Age: 48, Years with department: 30
Capt. Mike Benke, Age: 49, Years with department: 29 years
Capt. Louis Mulkey, Age: 34, Years with department: 11 1/2 years
Engineer Mark Kelsey, Age: 40, Years with department: 12 1/2 years
Engineer Bradford “Brad” Baity, Age: 37, Years with department: 9
Assistant Engineer Michael French, Age: 27, Years with department: 1 1/2 years
Firefighter James “Earl” Drayton, Age: 56, Years with department: 32 years
Firefighter Brandon Thompson, Age: 27, Years with department: Four years
Firefighter Melven Champaign, Age: 46, Years with department: Two years
A fund has been established for the fallen firefighters. Donations can be sent to: The City of Charleston Firemen’s Fund, P.O. Box 304, Charleston, SC, 29402.