I have two questions for both the ‘anti-war’ and the ‘stay the course’ crowds about the current Democrat Party candidates for President: if one of them is elected:
Regardless of what happens in Iraq, will any of them make more than a token commitment of additional American troops to Afghanistan?
Would any of them, if necessary, use the full force of our military against Iran?
We all know the answers: no and no. So much for those candidates being tough on terror.
For those of us who regularly ate old C-rations (back before MREs), the following video triggers memories that have nothing to do with Dr. Seuss:
The politics of personal destruction now places our troops in contact with the enemy within the political kill zone. Want an example? Perhaps if Senator Harry Reid had been there and eaten green eggs and ham from a can (they used to be an entree in C-rations yet the eggs were once yellow), he would have never said “the war is lost.” He would not have, no matter what he thought, because of such a statement’s negative effects on troop morale. Is that unfair? If it is, then remember that the next time you hear someone accuse a Republican or a conservative talk-radio host of being a chicken hawk.
We should not care if the next President ever wore a military uniform; we need to know who intends to fight the War on Terror — no matter how long it takes — and who wants to quit now. We need to hear a detailed plan for winning the War on Terror from every candidate running for the Oval Office in 2008. In addition, we need a plan that ends Iran’s state-sponsorship of terrorism.
If a general deliberately threw away lives to ensure defeat, we would call them a traitor. Yet when liberal Democrats attempt to throw away the sacrifices already made, they expect the rest of us to not even question them when they say they support the troops.
Both the enemy and the leaders of the Democrat Party know withdrawal is not a plan for victory. Some glibly say the Democrats only seek to overthrow our current government yet I wonder if they realize our common enemy seeks to do the same thing.
Many tips of the hat to Mary Katharine Ham of Hot Air