War on Terror

Ex-Guantanamo detainees on trial in Morocco for terrorism

Breaking news, Fri, May. 11, 2007, in the Miami Herald:

SALE, Morocco — (AP) — Two men once held as captives at the U.S. prison camps in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and 20 other suspects faced charges Friday of allegedly recruiting people to train abroad and carry out terrorist attacks in Morocco, in a trial that has dragged on for over a year.

Suspects Brahim Benchekroun and Mahomed Mazouz were held at the remote U.S. Navy base in southeast Cuba from 2002 until August 2004, when they were repatriated to Morocco along with three other detainees. The pair were hit with terrorist charges upon return but released soon after on probation. They were acquitted of the charges in January.

Meantime, Benchekroun and Mazouz had been rearrested in November 2005 on fresh charges of helping form a terrorist cell allegedly recruiting people to undergo paramilitary training abroad and then carry out attacks in Morocco.

Moroccan authorities say the group had relations with terrorists active on the borders of Iraq. The suspects also include alleged ringleader Khalid Azig, a Moroccan, and Mohamed Reha and his uncle, Mohamed Zemmouri, two Belgians of Moroccan origin.

Morocco has arrested thousands of alleged terrorists since suicide bombings in 2003 killed 45 people in Casablanca. Casablanca was hit by a new spate of suicide bombings in March and April as police ran to ground a cell that killed themselves with explosive belts to avoid capture.

I seem to recall that the Geneva Conventions says enemy combatants can be held for the duration of the conflict. Stupid me! I forgot that the Democrats in Congress say there no longer is a War on Terror so that must be the reason we let these two terrorists combatants suspects ago.

Lawmaker: Fort Dix hero may need immunity

This just in via the Washington Times: Members of Congress, the US Attorney that will prosecute the Fort Dix 6, and a leading Muslim-American praised New Jersey’s ‘John Doe’ today and say he is another example of why a measure to protect those who report suspicious activity from civil liability is needed. Yet leading “tough on terror” Democrats in Congress are stalling. I wonder why? Could it be they cair more about protecting the business interests of trial lawyers than the American public and our troops training at places like Ft Dix, NJ? Speaking of CAIR, they did the usual two-step:

“The events in Fort Dix are just another reminder of the need for this legislation,” said Rep. Steve Pearce, New Mexico Republican and author of legislation to protect “John Doe” passengers being sued by a group of Muslim imams for reporting their suspicious behavior. “We owe a debt of gratitude to this individual for alerting authorities to this potential terrorist attack and thwarting what could have been a terrible disaster. I can only imagine how grateful the men and women at Fort Dix and their families are for the courage of this person to take action when he saw something suspicious,” Mr. Pearce said.

“If we didn’t get that tip,” said U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie in New Jersey, “I couldn’t be sure what would happen.”

M. Zuhdi Jasser, director of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, agrees that the FBI’s arrests show the need to protect the principle of “see something, say something.” “What if this ‘John Doe’ had contrarily chosen to be silent due to a fear of litigation?” Dr. Jasser said.

Republican Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio and Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Rep. Peter King of New York used a procedural tactic to add the Pearce language to a rail and transportation security bill in March. The amendment passed unanimously by Republicans and had bipartisan support from 105 Democrats. “A courageous act such as this one should not only be commended, it should be touted as a positive example of what citizens can do help prevent acts of terrorism here at home,” Mr. Boehner said. “It’s critical that Democrats leave the Pearce language intact during conference negotiations so this kind of citizen participation is fostered and protected, not discouraged and litigated,” Mr. Boehner said.

Drew Hammill, spokesman for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, said “this is an issue for the conferees.” [Ed. — In other words, they are hoping to kill the bill in conference]

Jeffrey Addicott, director of the Terror Law Center at St. Mary’s law school, says there are no protections in place for those who report crimes, and that they can be sued for violating constitutional rights or for racial discrimination. “If the report does not have factual claims, you can be sued for violating someone’s civil rights,” Mr. Addicott said. [Ed. — The ‘John Doe’ legislation only protects those who act in good faith. It would not protect those who intentionally or maliciously file false reports]

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) praised the FBI for the arrests and said that it “seems clear that a potentially deadly attack has been averted.” “We continue to urge American Muslims to be vigilant in reporting any suspected criminal activities that could harm the safety and security of our nation.” But CAIR also said the press and public officials should “refrain from linking this case to the faith of Islam” and asked mosques and other Muslim institutions “to report any incidents of anti-Muslim backlash.” [Ed. — Translation: CAIR has lots of money and their lawyers need the work.]