War on Terror

Perish the thought, not the al Qaeda in Iraq: Dems

This morning, in the New York Post:

“Your soldiers are in our hands … What you are doing in searching for [them] will lead to nothing but exhaustion and headaches,” said the online statement from the Islamic State of Iraq – one of al Qaeda’s Iraqi incarnations.

The warning recalls Pelosi’s words from 2006; she said she felt “sad” over President Bush’s insistence that al Qaeda is operating in Iraq.

Or Reid, who recently called on the president to “change course [away from Iraq] and turn our attention back to the war on al Qaeda and their allies.”

For the Democrats, the War on Terror should be waged exclusively outside Iraq’s borders. What’s happening in Baghdad and Anbar province, they maintain, is nothing more than a Sunni-Shiite civil war – one from which America must cut and run.

All the current Democrat Party’s candidates for President and, minus a very few, those in Congress would disengage from the al Qaeda in Iraq. It is all too much. The enemy keeps counter-attacking, the war is so brutal, and our side also suffers casualties.

The real war is where the enemy is yet, for the Democrats, it is like the 1960’s all over again. They cannot get slogans like “What if there was a war and nobody came?” out of their heads.

Our leaving Iraq will not end the sectarian violence and the al Qaeda will not just go away. Our enemies fight wherever they find targets of opportunity — wherever they find us.

In the War on Terror, there is no place to run from here.

Taking the fight to the enemy is more than a theory. While our enemies know that, the Democrats running for election next year and now running the House and the Senate remain in a state of denial.

Terror, censorship, and hate-crimes: a selection of news and views

Clerk Rings Up N.J. Jihad Jerks: It all began on a frigid January day with 10 bearded Muslim men huddled in the parking lot of a Circuit City debating who would go inside to have a copy made of a tape showing them firing guns and praising jihad…

‘Talking’ Terror: What if the months of planning and conversation that went into the 9/11 plot had been leaked in advance to The New York Times? …

Fortress America’s gate is open: The Fort Dix boys were pulled over for 19 traffic violations, but because they were in “sanctuary cities,” any cop who suspected they were illegals was unable to report them to immigration authorities. Again, as a matter of policy.

Symposium: Jihad in Jersey: News of the FBI’s arrests of six militant Islamists in New Jersey who plotted to kill our soldiers at Fort Dix was met yet again with the same tired responses of shock and dismissal from the mainstream media (MSM) and from major American Islamist organizations. — M. Zuhdi Jasser

Terror suspect takes witness stand in NY, and it goes badly: Hou also questioned Sabir about an audiotape, found at his house, in which a religious lecturer said God would “destroy the disbelievers.” “That’s God’s word. I have to believe in it,” Sabir said.

Hate-Crime Hysterics: Among the more than 200 organizations supposedly ardent for the bill are the American Music Therapy Association, Catholics for Free Choice, Easter Seals, Goodwill Industries, International Dyslexia Association, Rock the Vote, Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics & Ritual. Who knew?

Too Fine For PBS: Boy, was I wrong. Burke’s doc is a riveting and creatively made film about the most important subject of our time: What to do about radical Islam?

Europe to scan mosques for radicals: Italian Interior Minister Giuliano Amato said Europe had extensive experience with the “misuse of mosques,” which instead of being places of worship are used for other ends.