Some Dems in House against licenses for illegals

In today’s Washington Times:

Democratic House members can’t understand why their party’s national leaders are embracing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, and say their constituents see it as a “de facto amnesty.” Rep. Nancy Boyda, Kansas Democrat, said the stance taken by her party’s presidential candidates is very unpopular in her district. “What I tell people back home is, ‘It is not my day to watch them,’ ” said Mrs. Boyda, adding that her reputation as a political maverick and staunch opponent of illegal entry distinguishes her from the folly at the top of the ticket. “It is ultimately about the rule of law,” she said. “We don’t give driver’s licenses to people who are here illegally. We do something about the fact that they are here illegally.”

In the House, Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican, said he is writing a bill that would prohibit states from issuing licenses to those not here legally. “Interestingly enough, I’m getting a number of Democrats, and not just Blue Dog Democrats,” he said, referring to the fact that the issue also is affecting Democrats outside of traditionally conservative districts.