Political wind

Clinton apple fell close

Michelle Malkin took inventory today of the biggest whoppers prior to the latest “misstatement” by Senator Hillary Clinton. While I will link to her commentary, one passage shows the former first lady passed on at least one poor character trait to her now 27 year-old (former first) daughter:

At least Hillary “It’s my mother’s fault I lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary” Clinton and Bill “I have vivid memories of black churches burning that, uh, OK, never burned” Clinton can be proud of raising a daughter who didn’t fall far from the reality-challenged tree.

Asked in Bloomington, Ind., on Monday to explain how she survived the nonexistent sniper fire, the [former] first daughter, with a promising future in fiction writing, responded smoothly: “We were well-protected by our United States military and the United States Secret Service.”

Also see Michelle Malkin’s hillarious post: Tuzla and truth deprivation.

Abusing America’s War Dead by Ralph Peters

The following excerpt about the treatment of our troops by politicians is by retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters in this morning’s New York Post:

I’m just damned angry. The right won’t admit any mistakes in Iraq, while the left seeks to undercut progress there. Honorable, valiant and tenacious, our troops deserve better leaders. Never in our history have we seen so profound a contrast between those who serve and those who decide how they should be employed. We also face, for the first time, national-level leaders who would rather lose a war than lose an election.

Wars are fought ‘come as you are’ and these are the times we live in.

Our troops and this President are now the ones in the arena; both have demonstrated moral and physical courage far beyond the expectations of the critics of America’s youth and the man America elected to lead them. I strongly suspect that President Bush has had few restful nights since 9/11 and is a better man than LTC Peters believes him to be.