John McCain

Romney: McCain Democrats’ favorite Republican

Today, on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed Senator John McCain. Here is an excerpt from that interview (text of excerpt after the jump):

Yet Democrat politicians in Washington seem to like John McCain, as the following Mitt Romney campaign ad points out, and also their chances of defeating him in November:

Chris Wallace followed that interview with one of Senator Hillary Clinton who seemed to hope her sole opponent would soon be John McCain. Here is an excerpt (text of excerpt after the jump):

If John McCain and Hillary Clinton are the nominees, expect her to campaign saying he has so often agreed with Senate Democrats (i.e. immigration reform and drilling in ANWAR) and worked against President George W. Bush on issues (detainee rights and Guantanamo). Clinton will paint McCain as a liberal, point out that he has flip-flopped on immigration reform, and, by his own admission, the economy is not his strong suit.

She will likely ask why vote for McCain when she has been consistent on the issues and will bring a proven economic team back to the Oval Office? Much of that will stick because it is true.

On the other hand, you could vote for Mitt Romney in your primary and have a much clearer choice come November.

Hat tip to Sweetness & Light for the YouTube video.

McCain would lose yet Romney would change Washington

Whether the McCain campaign started the whisper campaign that “nobody likes Romney” is irrelevant; they were surely thrilled when the mainstream media ran with it. Yet the old guard will ensure that John McCain never reaches the Oval Office.

Mitt Romney would turn political Washington on its head, the doors to power would get slammed in the faces of perhaps thousands of long-entrenched deal makers and lobbyists.

That is why so many moderates Republicans, a few conservatives, and a stream of liberal pundits are jumping on John McCain’s bandwagon. McCain cannot win, they know it, and they will merely have to go on dealing with him as one of 100 Senators; the keys to the kingdom will remain in their hands.

With McCain as the GOP nominee, the old guard will feed the mainstream media just enough damaging information to keep him from moving up the street. It will be untraceable to the Obama or Clinton campaigns (for it will not come from them) and the media will lap it up.

Yet if John McCain flies off the handle and angrily goes after the old guard himself, the public will finally see what insiders have seen for more than two decades. The real John McCain is vindictive, condescending, confrontational, politically disloyal, and rude.

Swing voters will get turned off, the far-left would never vote for him, liberals already have Obama or Clinton, and conservative voters were already planning to stay home in November.

Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton will become the next President of the United States yet the status quo will be maintained, either way. The old lions (picture a proud Grandpa Ted) will wheel Barack around the Washington Mall in a Presidential baby stroller and the Clintons come politically pre-packed, like just off a Wal Mart shelf.

If you really, truly want change in Washington, then vote for Mitt Romney in your primary and in November. It is time to show the old guard the door and ensure that they close it on their way out.