
An interview of Buzz Patterson about ‘War Crimes’

Kit Lange, of and, interviewed Buzz Patterson last night, on her cybercast, about his new book War Crimes:

War Crimes

LTC Patterson’s view of Iraq, having been embedded there with our military and after speaking with hundreds of our troops on the ground:

“I was a little bit naive when I went to Iraq… I really thought the media was undermining our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and the War on Terror. I found out it was much bigger than that: it is Democratic politicians; its academics, our professors and our deans and college presidents on university campuses across the country; its Hollywood popular culture; its anti-war organizations like Code Pink for Peace and United for Peace and Justice; its this Whahabi lobby, I call it in the book, with funding from George Soros and and The Ford Foundation that really wants to see America lose. I think the bottom line is the left today only wins when America loses… It’s a de facto alliance the left has with our enemies. They want to see America lose because they gain in Washington, D.C., if we do lose.”

About Hillary Clinton for President:

“She was kind to me [LTC Patterson carried the ‘football’ for two years for President Clinton], nice to me. It is not a personal thing; it is a professional thing. She would be the worst possible scenario to be our commander-in-chief… I think she would destroy the military and lose the War on Terror. I think what would happen if she was elected — and I think she probably will be at this point — I think you are going to see a mass exodus from the military, you’re going to see all the talent leave, more attacks on the U.S… She’s an anti-military demon.”

The “long war” and America’s resolve:

“I actually think there have been a lot of mistakes made. As much as I respect President Bush as the Commander-in-Chief, I hold him accountable, the administration accountable for doing a horrible job of articulating why we are at war in Iraq, why Iraq is a battlefield in the greater Global War on Terror. We’re fighting al Qaeda across the globe… I think that we as Americans are so numb to the fact that we could be involved in an intergenerational conflict… My appeal in ‘War Crimes’ is really more about us as Americans. What country votes its men and women to war then lacks the resolve to see it through?”


Editor’s notes:

Lieutenant Colonel Robert “Buzz” Patterson is a retired U.S. Air Force pilot and a two-time New York Times best selling author, radio show host, popular speaker, and national security columnist for the respected conservative weekly Front Page Magazine. In addition, he is a board member of Move America Forward.

Audio used with permission.

Finish the job in Iraq, Marine’s father urges

Marine LT John Wroblewski would say 'suck it up'

Today, in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

John Wroblewski’s son was killed in Ramadi in 2004. Now, he says, the U.S. should focus on winning the war… what the country needs, he says, is “more discussion about victory and how we’re going to win.” What he seeks is leadership. Courage, to stand up to a relentless, smart and brutal enemy. Patience, to see the nation through the inevitable dark days. Strength, to set priorities and see them through.

The high school athletic director from Jefferson Township, N.J., is unapologetic in his support for the war and those fighting it – “You can’t separate the troops and the mission,” he says.

Often, he says, the news out of Washington makes you “grit your teeth.” Worse are declarations that the war is lost. “When [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid said that, it just turned my stomach,” Wroblewski says. “How can a leader of this country, when we have men on the battlefield, and we’ve shed the blood of our sons and daughters, how can he say we’ve lost?” he asks.

So Wroblewski speaks out. He calls in frequently to talk-radio programs. He campaigned against antiwar congressman John P. Murtha (D., Pa.) last year. He and his wife, Shawn, were among the counterprotesters facing off against Cindy Sheehan two years ago near President Bush’s ranch. He’s told the president to his face – twice – how important it is that the United States complete the mission in Iraq.

The Wroblewskis understand the cost of war.

The oldest of their four sons, Marine 2d Lt. John Thomas Wroblewski – “JT” to his family, “Lt. Ski” to his men – was killed in a Ramadi ambush on April 6, 2004. He’d enlisted only weeks after Sept. 11 and had been in Iraq for a little more than a month when he was shot. “He just loved being in the Marines,” his mom says. “Even if he could come back now and stand in front of us, knowing all the heartache, he’d say: ‘Suck it up. I’m doing it again.’ ”

Even with all that heartache, the Wroblewskis are resolute about finishing the job.

“Do people really think that if we pull out, the terrorists will say: ‘We’re going to leave you alone now,’?” John asks.