
Charges against 20th 9/11 hijacker dropped, can be filed later

The Associated Press reports the charges against the alleged 20th 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Mani Ahmad al Kahtani, a.k.a. Mohammed al-Qahtani, were dropped without prejudice by a military judge at Guantanamo yesterday, meaning the charges can be filed later. The AP’s breathless headline ‘US drops charges against Saudi in Sept. 11 attacks’ left the last part out.

A search of immigration service records after 9/11 revealed that Mohamed Mani Ahmad al Kahtani landed in Orlando International Airport on August 4, 2001. Yet, according to the 9/11 Commission, “Upon arrival … Kahtani was denied entry by immigration officials because he had a one-way ticket and little money, could not speak English, and could not adequately explain what he intended to do in the United States.”

While their interrogations were obviously conducted separately, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh both confirmed al Kahtani was to become the 20th hijacker and that Mohamed Atta went to meet his arrival in Orlando. In addition, a later review of intercepted communications that occured on August 3, 2001, indicate why al Kahtani travelled to America:

In addition to the operatives who eventually participated in the 9/11 attacks as muscle hijackers, Bin Ladin apparently selected at least nine other Saudis who, for various reasons, did not end up taking part in the operation: Mohamed Mani Ahmad al Kahtani, Khalid Saeed Ahmad al Zahrani, Ali Abd al Rahman al Faqasi al Ghamdi, Saeed al Baluchi, Qutaybah al Najdi, Zuhair al Thubaiti, Saeed Abdullah Saeed al Ghamdi, Saud al Rashid, and Mushabib al Hamlan. A tenth individual, a Tunisian with Canadian citizenship named Abderraouf Jdey, may have been a candidate to participate in 9/11, or he may have been a candidate for a later attack. These candidate hijackers either backed out, had trouble obtaining needed travel documents, or were removed from the operation by the al Qaeda leadership. Khallad believes KSM wanted between four and six operatives per plane. KSM states that al Qaeda had originally planned to use 25 or 26 hijackers but ended up with only the 19.

A week after he returned from meeting Binalshibh in Spain, Atta traveled to Newark, probably to coordinate with Hazmi and give him additional funds. Atta spent a few days in the area before returning to Florida on July 30.The month of August was busy, as revealed by a set of contemporaneous Atta-Binalshibh communications that were recovered after September 11.

On August 3, for example, Atta and Binalshibh discussed several matters, such as the best way for the operatives to purchase plane tickets and the assignment of muscle hijackers to individual teams. Atta and Binalshibh also revisited the question of whether to target the White House. They discussed targets in coded language, pretending to be students discussing various fields of study: “architecture” referred to the World Trade Center, “arts” the Pentagon, “law” the Capitol, and “politics” the White House.

Binalshibh reminded Atta that Bin Ladin wanted to target the White House. Atta again cautioned that this would be difficult. When Binalshibh persisted, Atta agreed to include the White House but suggested they keep the Capitol as an alternate target in case the White House proved too difficult. Atta also suggested that the attacks would not happen until after the first week in September, when Congress reconvened.

Atta and Binalshibh also discussed “the friend who is coming as a tourist”- a cryptic reference to candidate hijacker Mohamed al Kahtani (mentioned above), whom Hawsawi was sending the next day as “the last one” to “complete the group.” On August 4, Atta drove to the Orlando airport to meet Kahtani. Upon arrival, however, Kahtani was denied entry by immigration officials because he had a one-way ticket and little money, could not speak English, and could not adequately explain what he intended to do in the United States. He was sent back to Dubai. Hawsawi contacted KSM, who told him to help Kahtani return to Pakistan.

During his own interrogation, Mohamed Mani Ahmad al Kahtani (ISN 063) further corroberated he was sent to the United States to become a martyr and arrived in Orlando on August 4, 2001.

DoD confirms ex-Guantanamo detainee was Mosul suicide bomber

The U.S. military command in Iraq confirmed yesterday that Abdullah Saleh Ali al-Ajmi conducted one of several suicide attacks that took place in Mosul, Iraq, last month. The attacks killed 7 Iraqis and injured 31 more:

Navy Cmdr. Scott Rye, a spokesman for the Multi-National Force-Iraq, said one of the three recent suicide bombers in Mosul was al-Ajmi, “a former Guantanamo Bay detainee.”

“Al-Ajmi had returned to Kuwait following his release from Guantanamo Bay and traveled to Iraq via Syria,” Cmdr. Rye said.

A Pentagon spokesman confirmed that al-Ajmi is far from the first al Qaeda terrorist to go back to attacking U.S. forces and murdering his fellow Muslims:

Al-Ajmi is not the first former Guantanamo detainee to reportedly return to the battlefield after being released. Pentagon officials say there are more than 10 people once held by the U.S. at Guantanamo who have been killed or captured in fighting after being released from the detention facility.

“Our reports indicate that a number of former [Guantanamo Bay] detainees have taken part in anti-coalition militant activities after leaving U.S. detention. Some have subsequently been killed in combat,” said Cmdr. Jeff Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman.

Documents provided by the Pentagon show other former detainees returning to the battlefield, including Abdullah Mahsud, who was released from Guantanamo in 2004. He returned to Afghanistan, where he became a militant leader in the Mahsud tribe in southern Waziristan, the documents said.

“We have since discovered that he had been associated with the Taliban since his teen years and has been described as an al Qaeda-linked facilitator.

“In mid-October 2004, Mahsud directed the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers in Pakistan. During rescue operations by Pakistani forces, a kidnapper shot one of the hostages. Five of the kidnappers were killed. Mahsud was not among them,” the documents provided by the Pentagon said.

“As these facts illustrate, there is an implied future risk to U.S. and allied interests with every detainee who is released or transferred from Guantanamo,” Gordon said.

Reports of former detainees returning to the battlefield show they are dedicated to their cause and have been trained to be deceptive, the Pentagon officials said, but such factors will not prevent the release of other detainees from Guantanamo Bay.