‘The Third Jihad’ premieres today; CAIR and other American-based terrorist front groups decline invite

‘The Third Jihad’ premieres today in Washington and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has declined an invitation to attend and debate its contents. It is obvious to me that they declined because the movie is about them and a long list of terrorist front groups working here, in America, to overthrow our government by sedition, to replace our Constitution with sharia law.

If you care at all about your children, watch the trailer. Then get a copy and show it to everyone you know. Our freedom of speech is being used against us as a weapon; use it to fight back or surrender liberty to barbarians.

For Immediate Release
Clarion Unveils New Film About the Threat of Radical Islam in America at National Press Club

CAIR Declines Invite to Discussion with Devout Muslim Film Narrator, Who is Expected to Speak Out Against Radical Islam at The Third Jihad Premiere

Ohio jihadist to plead guilty to terror aid

Breaking news from the Associated Press:

Court documents say an Ohio man will plead guilty in an alleged plot to bomb overseas U.S. military facilities and European resorts. Christopher Paul of the Columbus suburb of Worthington is the last of three Ohio men charged with alleged terrorist activities. Documents filed Monday in federal court in Columbus say Paul will plead guilty Tuesday to one count of using bombs in a terrorist attack with a possible sentence of 20 years. The U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to comment. Paul’s attorney, Jim Gilbert, says the documents speak for themselves.

Also see my previous post about this: CAIR leader knows “violent jihadist”