Barack Obama

Islamic terrorists will win if ‘Rule of law’ replaces the Laws of War

In the Wall Street Journal today, John Yoo weighs in about President Barack Obama’s orders to close Guantanamo Bay and terminated the CIA’s special authority to interrogate terrorists:

Eliminating the Bush system will mean that we will get no more information from captured al Qaeda terrorists. Every prisoner will have the right to a lawyer (which they will surely demand), the right to remain silent, and the right to a speedy trial.

The first thing any lawyer will do is tell his clients to shut up. The KSMs or Abu Zubaydahs of the future will respond to no verbal questioning or trickery — which is precisely why the Bush administration felt compelled to use more coercive measures in the first place. Our soldiers and agents in the field will have to run more risks as they must secure physical evidence at the point of capture and maintain a chain of custody that will stand up to the standards of a civilian court.

Our Constitution will become a suicide pact if those sworn to protect it let the propaganda of Islamic terrorists and their profiteering lawyers rewrite it.

A 9/11 family member chides the new President for closing Guantanamo terror camp

This morning, the New York Daily News published my op-ed on President Barack Obama’s decision to close Guantanamo and suspend the Military Commissions:

With his shameful order to close Guantanamo Bay, President Obama has perfectly filled the stereotype of the classic clueless ultra-Liberal — the one who can generate great passion for the rights of the guilty defendant and none for the innocent victim.

With a single stroke of the pen, Obama has delayed justice for the victims of 9/11, and in essence granted a reprieve for Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the architect of 9/11.

America does not honor our “rule of law and the rights of man” as he put in his inauguration speech by such an action. Instead, this nation abdicated its duty to justice.

It seems the new President is too far removed from the victims of 9/11. Victims like 11-year-old Bernard Curtis Brown, a passenger on American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. Everyone onboard was killed, as well as [125] people in the Pentagon. Curtis was on a trip with several of his classmates to California sponsored by National Geographic.

Obama and the Democrats have had a blind spot for 9/11 and have yet to show they have an ounce of understanding what happened that day.

Here is why we were attacked: Muslim extremists hate Americans and want us dead. Our policies in no way influenced the vitriol perpetuated on innocent Americans on September 11, 2001. …

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Editor —

Mike’s brother was 9/11 hero FDNY Captain William F. Burke Jr., of Engine 21. CPT Burke perished on the North Tower’s 24th floor after choosing to stay with two workers — one a paraplegic — after the South Tower had collapsed, receiving the order to evacuate, and ordering his fire company to head down the stairs.

BTW, the title for Mike’s commentary was chosen by the Daily News, as is the norm. It sure seemed like he was slamming President Obama (not chiding him) to me..

Additional note: We thank Michelle Malkin and Bob Parks for their posts about this.