
Amnesty bill and border security will get more scrutiny: Washington Times

As Senator Reid and President Bush try to revive their ‘Amnesty for 12 Million Illegal Aliens Act of 2007,’ the Washington Times will continue its assessment of the legislation and make a case for border security and enforcement first:

Starting this week, The Washington Times editorial page will begin to examine in detail proposals to handle the immigration problem with a particular focus on securing the border and ending the employment magnet that draws illegal aliens to this country. We will examine some of the most promising ideas — among them border fences, strengthening the border patrol, bolstering state and local cooperation with federal immigration authorities, dealing with criminal aliens and coming up with a serious effort to penalize employers that hire illegals. And we will also critique some of the false solutions to the problem — everything from mass amnesty to guaranteeing a college education to illegals. The best thing Congress and the administration can do would be to throw the Senate bill in the trash and take a fresh look at ways to make our borders secure.

Dems may soon revisit immigration bill

In today’s New York Times:

“If and when Republicans can agree on a limited number of amendments and agree on the need to get this bill passed, Senator Reid is committed to finding room on the Senate schedule as soon as possible,” said Jim Manley, the spokesman, who said President Bush needed to play a role as well. “The hope is that he can apply enough pressure to provide the votes we need to get the bill out of the Senate.”

Mr. Bush is scheduled to visit the Capitol on Tuesday for a lunch with Senate Republicans. That meeting will come just days after the immigration proposal, one of his chief domestic priorities, was derailed when an effort to bring a two-week debate to a close came up far short of the votes needed… READ THE REST