
Iliberal on Immigration

Victor Davis Hanson writes that the resistance to the latest amnesty-first effort is driven by the unwillingness of too many “undocumented Americans” to blend their culture with those legally here in America:

So, what is the truth on illegal immigration?

Simple. Millions of fair-minded white, African-, Mexican- and Asian-Americans fear that we are not assimilating millions of aliens from south of the border as fast as they are crossing illegally from Mexico.

In the frontline American southwest, entire apartheid communities and enclaves within cities have sprung up whose distinct language, culture and routines are beginning to resemble more the tense divides in the Balkans or Middle East than the traditional melting pot of multiracial America.

Americans will not be misled again about immigration reform

Michael Steele, in an op-ed this morning in the Washington Times, writes about the ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007’ and says:

The problem is that the bill’s “triggers” are basically meaningless since amnesty occurs regardless of whether the triggers are pulled. And besides, most of the triggers either are already in place or authorized by current law. For instance, Immigration and Customs Enforcement already has 27,500 detention beds, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is on schedule to have 18,000 Border Patrol agents in the next two years (they currently have almost 15,000 agents) and DHS is already required by law to build over 700 miles of fencing along the border (the 370 miles required by this “trigger” is actually a cut). In short, these “triggers” do not lead to true border security; but rather, greater insecurity for American families and businesses.

The current “comprehensive” immigration bill is purposely designed to permit the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants to legally live and work in the United States from day one and eventually to become permanent residents and then citizens. This is not the outcome the American people desire.

Until Congress passes legislation that starts and ends with securing our borders and puts a premium on strict enforcement of our immigration laws, we must make our voices heard.