Five illegal immigrants and one naturalized U.S. citizen entered not guilty pleas yesterday to charges they conspired to conduct a terrorist attack against concentrations of troops at Fort Dix, NJ. They have been denied bail:
Six Muslim men accused of plotting to attack soldiers at Fort Dix pleaded not guilty yesterday as a federal judge promised to have the trial wrapped up by the end of the year.
The men were arrested and charged last month with planning the attack. Authorities said they intended to use mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and guns in a raid on the New Jersey installation to kill as many U.S. soldiers as possible in the name of jihad, or Muslim holy war.Investigators zeroed in on the men after an electronics store clerk told the FBI about footage of them firing assault weapons and screaming about jihad on a video they asked him to transfer to DVD. According to authorities, the men practiced firing weapons in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania and made a deal, through a paid FBI informant, to buy fully automatic weapons.
The six men are identified in court papers as “radical Islamists.” Court records said Mr. Shnewer is a U.S. citizen born in Jordan; Mr. Tatar was born in Turkey and is legally residing in the U.S.; and Mr. Abdullahu is an ethnic Albanian born in the former Yugoslavia who is legally residing in the U.S. The Duka brothers are ethnic Albanians born in the former Yugoslavia who reside illegally in the U.S
A previous report indicates the INS knew for sixteen years three of the six were here illegally . Yet ever changing law, layers of appeals, and decades of broken promises by politicians left another (among millions) immigration crime unpunished.