Can This Washington Be Saved? Can This War?

The National Review Online has posted a symposium of opinions as to whether Washington and this war can be saved after Congress’ vote to set timelines for withdrawal from Iraq and President Bush’s veto of the measure. William J. Bennett, Peter Brookes, Victor Davis Hanson, Clifford D. May, Mackubin Thomas Owens, Bill Roggio, Joseph Morrison Skelly, W. Thomas Smith Jr., Jim Talent, and I all commented there. Here is what I said plus a link:

Can this war be saved? Yes, but Republicans in Congress have to step up. Confident of Bush’s veto, they did not fight the supplemental bill hard enough, letting the Democrats’ repeated claim that the American people “support them” go unanswered.

Americans have a great deal of faith in our military. What they are not so sure about is the Iraqi people. According to a poll conducted last September, a strong majority of Iraqis support the Maliki government and trust the Iraqi security forces. When asked about their support for al Qaeda, an overwhelming majority of Shia (98 percent) and a large majority of Sunni (71 percent) firmly rejected al Qaeda and Osama bin Ladin. Increasingly, Iraqis know that foreign fighters are responsible for most of the bloodshed in their country, including attacks intended to provoke sectarian violence.

This is a p.r. war, both here and there. Americans need to be reassured that the Iraqis strongly support the U.S. mission of standing up the Iraqi army. General Petraeus called the unprecedented number of volunteers who are showing up for training a “stunning development.” Equally significant is the huge increase in intelligence from Iraqi civilians about insurgents and their activities. Americans will give the surge time, and accept casualties, if they know the Iraqis are not sitting out the fight.


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