Christopher Holton, the Vice-President of the Center for Security Policy, writes:
State Representative Julie Fisher of Utah has taken the divest terror movement on her shoulders and done heroic work in her state in the current legislative session. Working against great odds, through cunning and persistence she has pushed Utah’s Divest Iran bill through the Utah House of Representatives singlehandedly.
Now she needs our help.
Due to some VERY questionable, but monied, interests, including interests with possible ties to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the deck is stacked against her bill in the Utah Senate.
We need a wave of action to overcome. Please take 3 minutes to view the YouTube video at the link below. It does an outstanding job of putting this issue in perspective. If I could, I would make this video the flagship for the initiative nationwide.
Look at the video, forward it to everyone you know–EVEN IF YOU AREN’T FROM UTAH. We need to create a national buzz about this. If you have a web site, please embed this video on that web site. If you have contacts in the blogosphere, please forward this email to them. If you know any talk radio hosts, please forward this video to them.
And, again, even if you are not from Utah, I urge you to contact the Senators in that video. Email them. Call them. Those of you who are in the Guard and Reserve and are members of military families especially. OUR PUBLIC INVESTMENT DOLLARS ARE BEING USED TO INVEST IN FOREIGN COMPANIES THAT PROVIDE CORPORATE LIFE SUPPORT TO THE WORLD’S NUMBER ONE STATE SPONSOR OF TERRORISM–IRAN. IRAN IS ALSO THE COUNTRY THAT IS SUPPORTING INSURGENTS IN IRAQ WITH ADVANCED IEDS, AS WELL AS TALIBAN FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN.