Emails to Congressman Murtha page 4

Congressman Murtha:

Your remarks of May 17th, 2006 with regard to events at Haditha, Iraq had the effect of nearly denying others their Constitutional rights. Your free speech rights STOP where the rights of others begin. As a public servant, you have SWORN to uphold the Constitution. But you chose and continue to choose to renege on your oath for political gain. So don’t be surprised if someday, others trample your rights when only following your example. Since you claim to be a Marine Corps Officer, I’m sad to say that you disgrace your uniform and are not entitled to wear it anywhere. Where is your HONOR, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT?

Bill Bramer
Ormond Beach, Florida


Treasonous: adjective Having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor; “the faithless Benedict Arnold”; “a lying traitorous insurrectionist” [syn: faithless]

–noun 1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government. 2. any action, ESP. In speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion. 3. Archaic. Rebellious disorder.

Aiding and Abetting: Verb (used with object), a·bet·ted, a·bet·ting. To encourage, support, or countenance by aid or approval, usually in wrongdoing: to abet a swindler; to abet a crime.

Murtha, In my opinion your statements about our Marines qualify under one or all of the definitions above. HONOR-COURAGE-COMMITMENT. Do you recall those words?
You and your ILK have summarily screwed up the lives and careers of some of the finest individuals on earth. What sort of punishment do you feel appropriate for yourselves?
I’m sickened that you call yourself a former Marine . YOU DON’T deserve the title. If you were a Marine, they would be holding Article 32 hearings with your name on it.

If we are in fact losing this war, it’s only because of you, your do nothing associates and our fine media making these kinds of statements only too embolden the enemy among us. OH, you are the enemy among us.

Doug Haviland


Congressman,please do the right thing and become a true American again—stop slaying our USA Troops with your destructive words—-please go back and study WW11 films/History and see what it was like to live in America then—true Americans were abundant then–I’ll be in Bryant Park,in Charlotte NC demonstrating against folks like you and Cindy Sheehan.

Go Navy! — Bob Ratcliffe



It goes against any patriotic or civil behavior to presumptuously accuse a fighting marine or soldier as you have done. However, if what you have done has been a mistake or unintentional, an apology and resignation would be acceptable. If in all honesty you have acted in ignorance and haste it will not be difficult to do the right thing.

If, on the other hand, you have done this as a political (or more specific anti-Bush) tactic then your actions will show in how you react to the calls of American people to resign.

Regardless of “the polls,” patriots in America out number loud mouth liberals.

Fort Myers, FL


Sir – the only acceptable end to this charade is for you to apologize, publically and nationally, to LCpl Justin Sharratt, for slandering him. Have you ever worn the uniform of any of the services that keep this nation safe and free? Have you ever been to war? How dare you make such horrific charges concerning something you know nothing about. The United States Marines are to be commended for their voluntary service to our country. Unlike them, you are a coward. You have been exposed – do this country a favor and resign before you embarrass yourself further.

Beverly Cope
Oklahoma City, OK


Congressman Murtha:

As a former resident of Loretto, PA and now as a simple American Citizen, I tell you now that you no longer demonstrate the character to be entrusted with the reigns of our Country. I openly question your character. I openly question your trustworthyness. You lack the basics now. Do you have the courage to apologize for your collateral damage? Do you have the courage to recognize that you over-stepped? Are you afraid to act responsibly and state that you made an error and that you have learned from it? Or are you simply a political Front Office pawn brought out to show that your political party has Service Members in it.

Apologize. Make amends. Do you have the courage?

Stephen Dailey
Nashville, IL


Dear Congressman Murtha,

Please file a public apology regarding the LCPL in question. I understand you where a Marine, at least be honorable for the Marine Corp. I understand your political position. But, fair is fair. I would like to continue to support you, find the moral courage which I know you have learned as a Marine Corps Officer.

I have served for most of my career caring for Marines in and out of combat and feel Your apology will strengthen your political position not harm it. I send my Regards and look forward to reading your retraction. Respectfully,

Tampa, Florida


Congressman Murtha,

I am wondering when you will acknowledge that you were incredibly wrong about the guilt of at least some of the Haditha Marines? You had no problem condemning them and declaring their guilt when the investigation was ongoing in May 2006. I don’t understand why you are so reluctant to show the same inclination to comment when at least one appears to be in the process of being cleared.

Richard A. DeStefano


Rep. Murtha,

I have often heard : “Once a Marine, always a Marine”. I think you are THE EXCEPTION !

Clair Gannon
Dallas, Texas


I don’t understand John Murtha. I know he brings alot of money to the Johnstown area so the locals vote for him on name recognition alone. It seems he will say what the head of the DNC, Howard Dean, needs to be said to bring more money from the ‘moveon’ group into their bank accounts. I live in the Pittsburgh area and am 54 years old and I will work very hard to help elect his opponent the next time he is up for election. Mr. Murtha needs to apologize for his being so quick to condemn without knowing all the facts. This type of behavior is not what is expected from our elected officials.
Janice Louise
Pittsburgh, PA


Sir, I assume you have learned a lesson regarding your prejudgement of my soldiers.

— Jim Mason


Congressman Murtha,

You are a disgrace to our country and to the uniform that you once served in. Apologize and resign! You no longer represent ANYONE in this country that has one iota of sanity left in their craniums. I’m not sure which country you represent any longer (although I have a few ideas) but it sure isn’t the United States of America.

Alan Sterbenz
Lee’s Summit, Missouri


You should apoligize to the Marines involved and especially LCpl Sharratt! After that, you should resign your office since you obviously do NOT have the best interest of our total nation at heart. Lobbyists and terrorists conspire to defeat any purpose except their own. Why don’t you listen to your constituents instead of them?

We want our troops home safely – they are, after all, fighting to keep our country free from terror and that includes you. Were you a supporter of the mass villification of the Viet Nam troops as well? They were in the same situation as our Iracqi troops are now – they went to defend their nation and they deserve to be treated like the heroes they are – not the way you indicate they should be treated at all. You are in a position of great leadership and effectiveness – why not use it to support our nation? You don’t have to agree with everything that happens, but you should support our nation’s legacies while they are in a foreign land defending your right to disagree. And make no mistake, our soldiers are our nation’s legacies, along with the young people here as well.

Why not effectively lead instead of accuse? Why not be a good example instead of the opposite? The Bible says to choose whom you will serve – who did you choose?

Carolyn Scott



Dave Harris


Congressman Murtha,

You are a traitor and a disgrace to our country. Do you have any idea how your comments are used in the insurgents “Propaganda War”. Your comments undermine the hardworking men and women of our military, encourage our enemy, significantly help in their recruiting efforts, and put our soldiers at a greater risk of harm. What do you think our great country will look like when we retreat (or as the left likes to say “Reassign” or Redeploy” our troops). I will tell you…we will look like cowards that have lost our will to fight for what we believe. I agree that things are not going well in Iraq. I agree that we may no be able to trust all members of the Iraqi army and government. But I firmly believe that most of the Iraqi people are thankful for our sacrifice, service, and our liberation of their country. How about a retraction, an apology, and a resignation?

I hope your district is embarrassed of you and votes you out of office. Unfortunately, our great citizens will still be stuck paying for your retirement!!!!

Scott V.


I find it amazing that people continue to re-elect politicians who obviously only care about their own political futures, not truth, not integrity, not morality….only themselves. To accuse our military members of such horrendous acts without having all the facts on national TV is a slap in the face of these military members’ families. The media constantly reminds us of how other countries feel about America when in fact it’s not the people that disgusts other countries, but rather the two-faced, dirty politics that our politicians are engaged in. This is a perfect example. Shame on you Murtha, you need to apologize on national TV where you disgraced our Marines. Shame shame shame shame on you.

Vickie Perkins
South Bend, IN


To Congressman Murtha:

Dear Sir:

I am dismayed at what has transpired with regards to the defamation and obvious attacks on our U.S. Military in Iraq. Nobody really wants this war. As a wise man once said, “there is a peace that can only come through war”. War is an ugly business and should be considered a “dirty word”. However someone must stand in the gap for those who cannot do it themselves. Our country has a proud tradition of doing just that. When people put down the military actions taken, without taking all into consideration, they not only demean themselves but also diminish our entire country.

You and any of your staff that was involved with this situation should acknowledge humbly that a mistake was made and conclusions were made in error. Only a true man or woman, ones which understand that their judgment is not always correct, can do this. If you are only worried about your politics, I would advise that you get people on your staff which are informed, nonjudgemental, and up to date on their information, so as not to cast you in a bad light in the future.

I hope you can find it in your heart and mind to see the difference between truth and error, right and wrong, and be supportive of the men and women who are fighting for your right to speak disrespectfully of them. They are not perfect, of course. Nobody is. Mistakes are made, even in your perfect world, let alone in a place half a world away where our sons, daughters, husbands, fathers, mothers, etc., are daily doing their best to hold a line in the sand (metaphorically) and fight against injustice, pain and suffering. You might want to try going over and serving a six month tour with the Marines, or even a three month or one month time of TRUE service to your country. That might BEGIN to make you qualified to make any remarks or judgements.

I hope you have a good day and enjoy the freedoms that have been handed down to you by men and women through the years willing to die for the liberty you are enjoying at this very minute. I hope your staff are all well and will continue to do their best to serve this country and not just the office of a man or woman.


Kenni Stoller
Proud Mom of a U.S. Marine


Mr. Murtha,

When I first heard your statement that the Marines accused in the Haditha incident, had killed innocent civilians in cold blood, I was appalled. First, that you would say such a thing before these Marines were even charged and secondly, that the presumption of innocence before proven guilty was summarily tossed aside in your statement.

As the mother of a soldier, I find such actions by a member of our Congress toward the best we have in this country to be absolutely despicable. I firmly believe you owe the families of the Marines you basically slandered an official apology at the very least. You see, sir, by insulting these Marines, you have insulted members of my family and I do not stand for that at all.

I sincerely hope you can remember what it means to be a Marine and step up.

Deb Leonard

A Proud Army Mom in a Code Pink Town
Supporting our Troops
Remembering our Vets



Mr. Murtha,

I cannot in good conscious refer to you as Congressman. You no longer hold that distinction in my mind. You have lost all respect and as the mother of a Soldier serving in the United States Military, I am shaming you.

You sir, however, have lost the most honorable and noble distinction there is in this country, you are no longer a member of the Band of Brothers. You are dishonorably discharged, I am sure. You have lost the greatest honor of all.

The Proud Mother of a Soldier who Proudly Serves,
Beverly Perlson


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