Two questions for CAIR about South Carolina’s “good ol’ boys”

2 held in SC for pipe bombs

Saturday evening, police in South Carolina stopped a speeding car near a U.S. Naval base and subsequently arrested two “Middle Eastern looking” males, Youseff Megahed, 21, and Ahmed Mohamed, 24, who are both non-U.S. citizens, when a consensual search of the car’s trunk revealed what looked to be explosives. The two were arraigned Monday, charged with possessing pipe bombs, and a high bail for each was set.

From all I’ve read I think it is at least as possible that these two possessed homemade pipe bombs merely to use as fireworks as it is they possessed them for a sinister purpose. Perhaps we will learn more as this cases develops. Yet a member of CAIR, Ahmed Bedier, says, “Had these been two good ol’ boys from South Carolina driving through and speeding — and even if they did have some fireworks — nobody would have been arrested.”

Now picture this hypothetical situation:

Mr. Bedier is walking and about to enter a mosque in Tampa, Florida. He walks past a car parked in front of it, from front to back, with its trunk open. Inside the car are two 20-something year old white males who appear nervous and one of them quickly stuffs something under the seat. As Bedier passes, he looks back, sees the car has South Carolina license plates, and spots several short lengths of PVC pipe, like you’d use for plumbing, and each is packed with some unidentifiable substance instead of being empty as one would expect. One of those PVC pipes has what looks like a fuse sticking out of that substance.

Here are my two questions for CAIR, more specifically for Ahmed Bedier:

Would you just assume they were just two harmless good ol’ boys or would you immediately call the police?

Please describe, Mr. Bedier, what you would do if the police came, gave the two a parking ticket, and let them drive away and then explained to you that “they were just fireworks”?

Taking what we know from the news reports, in my opinion, the only person who has displayed prejudicial behavior in this matter so far is Mr. Bedier. I am not saying that Mr. Bedier is a bigot; I am just saying that when he talked about ‘good ol’ boys’ he sure sounded like one.

Related posts:

Two charged with pipe bombs; CAIR says pair racially profiled

Police say pair had bomb; CAIR indicates it was a harmless road trip

Police charge two for pipe bombs; CAIR to explain “fireworks”

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